Chapter 2: Spending the Night With Niall

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I went home that night not knowing what to tell my parents. I mean how would you tell your parents something like that? 'Oh yeah mom and dad I forgot to tell you I'm going to Bora Bora with my boyfriend for a whole month. Oh and we're leaving tomorrow morning. K love you!'. And knowing my parents, they wouldn't take it well. They already didn't like Niall, and barely approved of us going on dates. As I pulled into my driveway, I thought about just calling Niall and telling him I couldn't go. But then I thought about how I haven't seen him in weeks, and who could pass up a trip to Bora Bora? Finally I decided to just tell my parents and get it over with. My heart pounded in my chest as I walked through the front door.

"Hi honey, how was your last day of school?" my mom asked without looking up from the meal she was cooking.

"Uhm it was alright I guess.."

She finally looked up at me noticing the look on my face. "What's the matter? You look a little spooked." she laughed.

"I'm fine. But I have some uh interesting news for you and dad."

"Jake!" she called for my dad. He walked in the kitchen. "What?"

"Reagan says she has news for us,"

My dads face went pale. "Reagan, are you pregnant?"

"God no! Seriously dad?" I was a little insulted he even thought that. He slowly relaxed.

"My news was, uhm, well Niall invited me on a trip."

My mom rolled her eyes. "Reagan you know how we feel about him. And where is this trip exactly?"

"Yeah I know how you feel about him. But you know I'm 18 now, and at the end of the day I can date whoever I want."

She completely ignored it. "Reagan, where is the trip." it wasn't even a question, it was a demand.

I looked at the ground. "Bora Bora..."

Both of their jaws dropped. To my surprise, her tone was calm.

"Bora Bora? No. There's no way you're going."

"What! Why not?!"

"First of all, do you know how expensive that is? Not to mention that's way too far away from home to be going with your 'boyfriend'."

"Niall's already taken care of the money! And I'm an adult! You can't stop me from going."

"Alright. You think you're so grown up? Go. But don't bother coming home when things don't work out for you."

I felt tears well up in my eyes. I looked over at my dad and he didn't say a word. He just walked to their bedroom.

"Fine. I don't need you. I'll be upstairs packing. Don't expect to see me in the morning."

I could see the hurt in her eyes and i stormed upstairs. As soon as I reached my room, I let the tears fall down my cheeks. I threw everything I would need into a huge suitcase and took one last look around my room. I had to say, I wouldn't miss it. As of right now, i didn't know where i'd be staying after this month. I'd just have figure it out later. I had a savings account i could use for when I needed money. My phone buzzed on my dresser, Niall was calling. I drew in a long breath and exhaled slowly before answering.

"Hey." I said quietly.

"Hey, how'd your parents take it?"

"Not good... Actually.. is it okay if I just come over tonight?"

I think he could tell something was really wrong. Why else would I be asking to come over at 10:00 at night?

"Of course. I'll come pick you up. Are you already packed?"

"Ok sounds good and yeah I just finished."

"Aright, I'll be there in a minute."

"And Niall?"


"Thank you."

"No problem, love."

We said our goodbyes and I dragged my suitcase downstairs. My mom was sitting on the couch but I barely glanced at her before walking out the front door. Fresh air was exactly what I needed right now. I tried to brush through my hair a little bit and fix my makeup before Niall came. I didn't want him to know I'd been crying. He pulled up in a Tahoe and I climbed in with my bag. I was greeted with a peck on the cheek. He didn't ask any questions, he just kept his eyes on the road. Niall never really was good at dealing with other people's problems, but he's always a good shoulder to cry on. We arrived at his apartment and I tried to pretend everything was fine.

"I'm really excited about tomorrow. I think it'll be really relaxing an-"

"Romantic." He said grabbing my belt loops and pulling me closer towards him. Our faces were inches apart and he tilted up my chin, lightly kissing me. I smiled in between kisses before pulling away.

"I need to shower, I'll be right back." I told him.

"Alright babe."

When I got out of the shower, all of the lights in the apartment were off except for the lamp in Niall's bedroom. I was wearing a big T-shirt of his and my dark hair fell loosely around my shoulders. He was already in bed, half asleep. I crawled in next to him and he snaked his arm around my waist. After a few minutes of silence he whispered,

"I'll always be here if you need somewhere to stay. I want you to know that."

My chest tightened. It was almost like he knew what happened. I was speechless, so I turned to face him and kissed him with everything I had. We cuddled for the rest of the night and while he was sleeping, my mind was racing. Thinking about my parents, and hoping they weren't right about things not working out for me. I prayed that something good would come out of this trip, proving my parents wrong.

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