Chapter 16: She's Officially Gone.

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*Reagan's P.O.V.*

I decided not to tell Harry about the twitter hate, he'd see it soon enough and it would've only added on to our list of problems right now. Instead I just climbed into that cab, not taking a second look at his apartment building as we drove off. I forced myself to put a smile on my face and try to make the best of this, but the truth is, I was breaking.

As I waited in the airport for the announcer to call my flight, I debated just leaving and going back to apologize to Harry, but I couldn't. I'd made my decision and I had to stick with it.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

I can't believe I let her go. I cannot believe that I just turned around, and left her standing in that doorway, waiting for me to do something!

I paced through the flat, which Louis had left after I cleaned it up. Running both hands through my mass of curls, I paced back and forth in the living room debating on what to do. If I go after her, I'd just be making a fool of myself, especially if paparazzi were there. If I don't go, she'll just force herself to forget about me even though I know she doesn't want to, and neither do I. I can't be without her, I need to go, but I'm scared.

Frustrated and confused, I sat down on the couch, pulling out my iPhone. I haven't checked twitter in a few days, and I need to clear my mind for a bit. As I pulled up my mentions, I was blown away by all the hate that I saw. What the hell is going on..

And then I saw it. The hashtag that was trending worldwide, for everyone to see.


I didn't hesitate to click on it and scrolled through the tweets, disgusted by what was being said about her. I mean I love my fans, but they didn't know half of what was going on and had no right to be saying anything like this.

That's it, I have to go get her.

I quickly put my shoes on, grabbed my keys off the counter and darted out of the building to my car. I tapped my fingers impatiently on the steering wheel as I drove as fast as I could without speeding. Once I arrived, I locked my car and ran into the airport, not caring if paparazzi saw me. To my luck though, none were in sight. My eyes scanned the crowd for her as I pushed through tons of people. The announcer's voice came on the intercom and my heart stopped.

"Flight 27 to Los Angeles, California is now boarding. Flight 27 to Los Angeles, California is now boarding." There was no chance of me finding her. I'd officially lost her, and all I could do was cry.

*Reagan's P.O.V.*

My pacing back and forth was interrupted by an overly cheery voice on the intercom.

"Flight 27 to Los Angeles, California is now boarding. Flight 27 to Los Angeles, California is now boarding."

The only sound I could hear was the rapid beating of my heart as I stood, frozen, in the crowd of people. I saw people rushing to get on the plane and just as the last few were boarding, I hurried with my bags to get on as well. No matter how much I wanted to stay here, I couldn't. It's what's best for me and Harry. I just wish I could crawl in a hole somewhere and hide away forever, but the closest I can get to that is going back to my parents, so that's where I'm going.

Thankfully the seat next to me was unoccupied, so I could cry quietly to myself without anyone bothering me. I sat scrolling through my phone, and I came across a picture of me and Harry from Bora Bora. He took it that night we were in my hotel room, the night he came by unexpectedly. My hair was in a sloppy bun and I wasn't wearing any makeup, but even though I insisted I looked like shit, he still tried to take a picture of us. In the picture, we were laying in bed and my head was on his shoulder, both of my hands covering my face. He was grinning widely, his dimples showing and his curly hair a perfect, unruly mess.

A tear slid down my cheek as I snapped back into reality. My finger hovered over the red delete button and I hesitated to tap it. After looking at the picture one more time, I forced myself to delete it and shoved my phone back into my pocket. Sitting in the dark plane reminded me of the flight to London, such a short time ago, when Harry asked me to be his girlfriend.

Shutting the thought out of my mind, I leaned my head against the cool window and drifted off to sleep.

A/N Short chapter omg I'm so sorryX( But school seriously sucks it's taking up Soo much time!:( I'm trying to finish this story up in a few more chapters, I'm so sorry updates are slow, but I'll try to update quicker! xx

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