Chapter 12: Bethany, Chinese Takeout, and Bubble Baths.

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When we landed, I was amazed by how beautiful it was here. I'd never been out of the U.S., and now I was in London, it was like a dream. We were once again chauffeured to Harry and Louis' flat where we hurried inside to avoid paparazzi. I really wasn't ready to deal with that yet. Paparazzi had seen me with Niall plenty before, what would happen if they saw me with Harry? I shook the thought away as we entered the enormous apartment. It was very modern, lively with color.

"It's lovely." I gaped.

"Thanks." He grinned, taking my bag and placing it in his bedroom.

"This whole place is beautiful," I stared out a window the size of the whole wall. "I've never even been outside of the states, this is amazing."

He didn't respond, he only hugged me from behind, wrapping his arms around my waist. Blushing, I turned around and threw my arms around his neck.

"You know what we should do tonight?" He said in a low voice, pressing our foreheads together.

"What?" I pecked his lips.

"We should have a date, like a real date."

"But what about paparazzi? There's no telling what they'd say about us."

"Then we'll have a date here. We only have this place to ourselves for a few more days, we'll make it memorable." A smile crept onto his lips, exposing his dimples.

"Oohh," I laughed. "Aren't you quite the romantic?" I teased.

He chuckled, releasing me from his embrace. "But I can't have you here while I prepare for it."

"Well where am I supposed to go?"

He pulled his wallet out, placing a wad of bills in my hand.

"Harry, no." I shoved it in his direction.

"Yes," He closed my hand around the money. "Go buy a dress, a nice one. Tonight's going to be special."

"I can't take this." I protested.

"Reagan," His hand fell on the small of my back as he led me to the front door. "You're my girlfriend, let me spoil you."

I sighed, hesitantly agreeing to take the money. "What time should I be back?"

"Umm, a couple hours. There's some shops around here, they're not hard to find."

"Okay, but I'm not spending all of this!"

He laughed, pulling me in for a hug. I gave him a quick, chaste kiss before leaving the flat.

As I was looking for a shop, I let my mind wander. I wondered what kind of "date" this was going to be. I expected it to be cheesy, lots of candles and wine and whatnot. But Harry is very unpredictable, so I was anxious to see what he had planned.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as a small shop on the corner caught my eye. Scurrying over to it, a bell rang as I opened the door. It was mostly empty, a few people here and there. The dresses were adorable, and nothing here seemed to be too expensive, which was great for me. I hated that Harry kept spending money on me, I'm not a very materialistic person.

As I was scanning the racks, one dress caught my attention. It was a crimson red, about knee length, and it had a heart shape cut out of the back. It was perfect. Simple, but perfect. Examining the price tag, a huge grin plastered itself on my face. I wouldn't be using even half the money that Harry had given me. Placing the dress on the checkout counter, I realized I still had about an hour before I could go back to the flat.

"What a lovely dress!" The woman behind the counter smiled, her British accent thick. "What's the occasion?"

I returned the smile. "Oh, I have a date tonight." My cheeks were burning, probably full of color now.

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