Chapter 5: I Think We May Fancy Eachother.

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Once we made it back to shallow water, Harry released me. It was around 6:00 now and the Sun was low on the horizon. It was so beautiful here. The water was crystal clear, the sky was a pinkish-orange, and there was a warm breeze. My idea of a perfect night. We dried off and considered our options for dinner.

"I think all they have around here is seafood." Louis pointed out.

Zayn agreed, "Yeah, probably."

"So seafood then?" Harry asked.

We all nodded in agreement and walked to the restaurant. Everything around the resort was in walking distance from the cabins. Dinner was actually fun, I got to know the boys a bit better. Turns out, Zayn isn't actually as perverted as I thought, and Louis is a genuinely sweet, hilarious guy. As for Harry, I don't even know where to start. I loved and understood his sense of humor. While Louis and Zayn weren't impressed by his bad puns, I laughed at every one. We also even switched plates at dinner because neither of us liked our meal. What impressed me most about him though, was how down to earth he was. He hadn't let fame get to him at all. He was still just a dorky, hormonal teenage guy. It killed me though not knowing what he thought of me. I suddenly became very self-conscious.

"Okay guys, I think I'm done. Are you guys ready?"

"Yeah, I'll call the waiter and we can bring the rest of this back for Niall and Liam." Zayn replied.

Niall! I had been so happy and busy today that I hadn't thought much about him. But I knew that when I went back to the cabin, I would have to apologize. I blew the whole situation out of proportion and I really was sorry, but I dreaded the whole walk to our cabin. While the other boys chatted and laughed, I was mostly silent. But as soon as I saw Niall's face I wasn't nervous anymore. We walked to our bedroom and he lightly held my hand.

"Look, Niall I'm really sorry for how I treated you this morning.."

"You don't have to apologize. I was in the wrong. I shouldn't have gotten so wasted when you didn't know anyone. I'm sorry Reagan."

That was the first time I'd heard him say my full name since we'd first started dating. Without thinking, I pushed him onto the bed and smashed my lips to his. He brushed the hair out of my face and looked into my eyes, our faces only inches apart.

"I love you Reagan."

I could hear my heart pounding in my chest, I didn't even know how to respond. I really really liked Niall, but i still wasn't sure if i loved him. So for the moment, I didn't answer. I just continued to kiss him for what seemed like hours. We stopped to rest and cuddle, and it wasn't long before Niall was out. Careful not to wake him, I slipped off of the bed to go take a shower. As I was exiting the bathroom, I bumped into someone. It was Harry, who was again, shirtless.

"Oh sorry.." I mumbled.

"It's cool I was just about to shower.. Soo um how did things go with Niall? We haven't seen you two all night."

I didn't want to tell him about all the kissing, so I gave him a really simple answer.

"Oh, yeah we're cool now." I smiled at him. "Goodnight Harry."

"Well that's good.. Goodnight Reagan."

The conversation was a bit awkward, and I was just about to go to bed when he bent down, kissing me on the cheek. I felt my ears get hot, which happens when I'm nervous or embarrassed, and I kissed him on the cheek in return before going back to bed. Laying in bed next to Niall snoring, all I could think about was Harry. Whenever I was around him, I felt like a 13 year old talking to her crush for the first time. Deciding to try and forget it ever happened, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*Harry's P.O.V.*

After my shower, I returned to the living room smiling like an idiot.

I tried to hide it from Louis, but I was always a horrid liar.

"What happened in the hallway?" he asked bluntly.

"What are you talking about?"

"Harry. Don't even try to lie to me. Spill it."

I knew there was no way of getting out of this one, so I just gave up. Had the other guys been in the living room though, I wouldn't have given up so easily.

"Nothing! I just asked her how things went with Niall, said goodnight, and kissed her on the cheek. Not a big deal."

"Uh yes a big deal! Harry I know you fancy her. I caught you staring at her the very first day we were here. And you flirted with her the entire day today."

"I did no such thing! And I do not fancy her!"

"Sure you don't. The weird thing is though, I think she might fancy you too. Either that or she's just a really big flirt."

"A little innocent flirting does not mean we fancy each other, Louis."

"Maybe it doesn't. But I see the way you look at her, and I know you too well. When you fancy a girl, you don't stop until you get her. And this girl happens to be a very close friend of ours's girl. I'm warning you lad, stay away."

Maybe he was right. But I couldn't control my feelings. No matter how much I denied it, I did fancy Reagan. And Niall was good friend of mine. "Well whatever, I'm going to bed. Night." i told him and went to

But then it hit me. I used to date this girl, her name was Bethany, and we were dating for 4 months before I ever brought her around the guys. As soon as Niall saw her, he started hitting on her. Even worse than Zayn was with Reagan. She ended up telling me 2 weeks later that it just wasn't going to work out between us. I was devastated, torturing myself trying to figure out what I did wrong. But one night after a concert, I walked into Niall's dressing room to ask him something, and there they were. Lying on his couch, snogging. I just slammed the door and stormed to my own dressing room, tearing it up. Niall tried to explain and apologize later, but I wouldn't listen. Eventually the boys put together an 'intervention' and we agreed to forget it for the sake of One Direction. But I never really forgot it. Bethany was my first love, and Niall ruined it for me. Don't get me wrong, I don't fancy Reagan because of that. I don't believe in revenge or karma or anything like that. I had genuine feelings for Reagan, but it just helped my conscience to think about how Niall took Bethany. I went to sleep deciding that I was going to show Reagan that I could give her everything she needs, and treat her how she deserves to be treated. The hard part was doing it without making it obvious to everyone else..

*Reagan's P.O.V.*

The next week and a half went pretty smoothly. Me and Niall were getting on really well, and me and Harry were becoming closer friends. During the day, we all hung out together, and at night we went to clubs, where it was too dark and noisy to notice that the boys were One Direction. How I managed to spend time with Harry without causing suspicions was beyond me. When I was with him, I could tell he was flirting, but I didn't mind. I'll admit, I flirted too, but I kept a healthy distance. I think mine and Niall's fight really hit home with him because he hadn't touched a beer in a week. There was only 3 weeks left of this vacation, and we were making the best of it.

A/N sorryyy this one's kinda short but it gets better I promise:)

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