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"the world is full  of monsters with friendly faces and angels with scars"

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"the world is full of monsters with friendly faces and angels with scars".



After arriving back at the bunker, Jack and Jenna had rarely left either of their new rooms. They stuck together, communicating through their nephilim-radio. They did this to make sure they wouldn't upset Dean for being too loud or make Sam not like them anymore.

Jenna had been sitting on her bed reading a different version of the Bible while Jack felt the brick wall and tried to make sense of what it was made out of. But a knock on the door stopped them. Considering the brother's hadn't bothered them too much, this took them both by surprise.

"Who is it?" Jenna asked, shooting a look of confusion and panic to her brother who mirrored the same expression. "Hey, it's me. Uh, Sam" Jenna quietly sighed in relief, both twins not liking to be around Dean who hated them.

When he didn't get a response, Sam opened the door and found the twins looking at him curiously. Sam had a laptop in his other hand, ready to show them something he hoped would make them feel better.

"Hey. Just checking in. You two are always in each other's rooms only. That's fine, I mean it's all been...pretty insane I'm sure. But, um... Anyway, I brought you guys something" Sam finally entered the room, the twins were now both sitting on the bed in anticipation for what Sam was about to show them.

"Before you two were born, your mom left you a message" Sam set the laptop in front of Jack and Jenna. I know you guys have a bunch of questions and hopefully, this is the start" Sam handed them a USB drive before realizing they had no idea how to use it.

"Right, yeah. Here I'll um... There you go" He plugged it in for them. "Just push this button, right here, whenever you're ready" He instructed. "Thank you" Jack spoke softly, Jenna too emotional to respond. Sam smiled and walked to the hallway before stopping to make sure they would be okay. Jack hit the tab to press play, their beautiful mother's face popped up on the screen.

"Hi Jack, Jenna, it's uh... I'm your mom" Jack and Jenna quickly latched on to each other, the emotions they had felt were new and painful. Sam's breath hitched slightly when he saw how hurt they were.

"I guess I should tell you two, um, I always wanted to be a mom. I'd play with dolls. I was that kind of girl and daydream about my baby-" Sam's phone started buzzing, he quickly walked away so he wouldn't interrupt the video.

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