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"nothing hurts more than trying your absolute best and still not being good enough"

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"nothing hurts more than trying your absolute best and still not being good enough".


Dean sat at the table near the staircase of the bunker, researching on his laptop. Sam arrived with coffee and breakfast, looking at Dean from the top of the stairs. "Hey, how you feeling?" Dean looked up at Sam before looking back at the computer, ignoring him.

"What are you working on?" Sam asked, this time actually getting a response from this brother. "Dead guy in Madison. Police say it was a home invasion, but neighbor claims that she saw the Vic's dead wife leave the crime scene" Sam descended down the staircase.

"Let's check it out" Sam spoke up. "What, you ready to ditch Damien one and two? What do you wanna do? Leave them in a ring of holy oil with some Netflix and a frozen pizza?" Dean asked sarcastically, though he wasn't speaking playfully.

"Ha. No" Sam started to put the coffee's on the table. "Actually..." Sam sighed for a split second.
"I thought we'd, uh, bring both of them along" Dean scoffed at Sam's suggestion. "Uh, hell, no. What, 'Adventures in Babysitting' the Antichrist? No, thank you" Dean looked back at the computer, Sam taking off his jacket.

"Dean, we can't hide them forever. And, you know, just keeping them cooped up here isn't working" Sam stated, sitting down in the open chair. "Yeah, it is, actually. You wanna know why? Because as long as they're here, they are not out there doing God knows what" Sam looked down, obviously hurt by Dean's words. "So what, does this mean that your plan for bringing Mom back isn't working? 'Cause I'll say it again, Mom's dead, Sam. Lucifer ripped out her freakin' heart. Now, the sooner you can wrap your head around that, the sooner we can all move on" Dean snapped.

"So you're saying you want to move on from Mom?" The two shared a look. "Right now, I wanna kill some dead guy's wife" Dean clarified. "Dean, that isn't what this is about. Jack and Jenna need to get out. They needs to get some air. We all do. They're both good kids. They are, just... give them a chance, please. For me".


Sam had checked Jenna's room and the twins weren't there. So, Sam went to Jack's door and knocked. "Jack? Jenna?" When he didn't get a reply, Sam opened the door to find Jack and Jenna watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars on the laptop that Sam let them keep.

"Hey" The two didn't respond, still watching the movie. "Clone Wars?" Sam entered the room more, getting closer to the twins.

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