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"sympathy for the devil is fuel for the flame"

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"sympathy for the devil is fuel for the flame".


After Jenna and Jack joined the Human Resistance along with Mary Winchester, it had been a hectic time. They fought, grieved, and overexerted their powers in the name of protecting the humans. Jenna got along with them, most notably two teenage boys named Nixon and James. It seemed like having companions besides Mary and Jack really seemed to help her keep going.

But that didn't mean that she didn't miss her family. Sam, Castiel, and Dean were in their world probably going crazy to find the three. Jenna didn't even know if they understood that they were in the AU world. She just hoped that they could get there in time to help all of these people.

Jenna had no idea how close they really were, bringing her biological uncle Gabriel with. And, unknowingly, bringing Lucifer along for the ride.


Sam woke up in the cave he had just previously died in, attacked by monsters at his throat. He woke up wheezing, gasping for air. Sam felt his neck and he breathed heavily, not feeling the would that had been there previously.

Sam got himself up, still checking that his wound wasn't there. Sam made the mistake of turning around, finding the devil creepily standing behind him. "Boo!" Sam gasped for air, startled by the realization that not only was Lucifer in the Apocalypse World, but that he was most likely the one who brought him back.

Lucifer only laughed to himself at Sam's expression. "Hey, Sammy" Lucifer greeted. "No..." Lucifer made a face. "Yeah" He sighed before continuing on. "I mean, you could do the whole pinch yourself, rub your eyes thing, or you could put on your big boy pants and just, you know, cut to the realization that yep, it's me" Lucifer played with a few cobwebs as he trailed off.

"Y-you...you..." Lucifer stood back up. "You brought me back?" Sam was still shaken up by everything. "I did. You're welcome" Sam held a pained expression in his eyes as the man who tortured his soul for over a hundred years(in hell time) stood before him. "Why?" Sam questioned, knowing full well that Lucifer always had something he wanted to be done.

"Oh, well, I'm getting to that" Sam then gasped when he remembered the one thing that got them across the dimensions. "The Rift. The Rift, Rowena" Lucifer interjected. "Oh, she's okay. I mean, I was going to kill her, but she blasted me here before I had a chance to, so. It's great, self-defense. But, uh, I was coming here anyway" Sam still couldn't understand how Lucifer was powerful.

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