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"hell is empty and the devils are here"

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"hell is empty and the devils are here".


Jack and Jenna are gone and with the devil, aka their father. They all thought they could be happy now, but apparently, they weren't allowed to be. "How did Michael and Lucifer both get here? How did they open a rift?" Sam questioned as he started pacing. The two kids, the nephilims he practically raised, have been manipulated by the devil himself.

"You know what? It doesn't...we've gotta find Jack and Jenna before Michael does whatever the hell he's gonna do, okay?" I-I'll call Jody and everyone else" Dean reasoned. "You're gonna put out an APB on the devil?" AU Bobby asked, standing next to Mary who was the only one sitting down. She was a bit more relaxed than them.

Mary was obviously as worried as the rest, but she had more faith in the twins and their ability to fight Lucifer's manipulation. He caught them in a fragile state, a state in which he could easily get what he wanted from them. But they were strong, they could fight them.

"Yeah, I am" Dean answered before leaving the room. "I'll check angel radio" Castiel followed behind Dean out of the room. Sam exhaled sharply as he tried to hold himself together. He had never been the 'parental figure' much before, he never knew how much it would hurt to lose the two.

Mary looked at her son sadly, almost feeling his pain. "Sam, even if we find Lucifer, how are we gonna stop him?" She inquired.


In a different room, Sam went to go talk to Nixon, Jenna's friend and the one who was brought back to life by Lucifer. He was being comforted by Maggie and James. But Sam could tell he wanted Jenna their too.

"Nixon?" The boy jumped slightly at the sound of Sam's voice. "Hey, sorry" Nixon sighed in relief that it wasn't someone trying to hurt him. "Are you okay?" Nixon thought for a moment. "I was dead and I was brought back to life. I think I'm fine?" The boy slightly rambled.

James and Maggie were both trying their best to comfort him, but they didn't truly understand Nixon's feelings like Jenna could. Nixon isn't really human, he's an empath meaning he can feel others emotions. With this, however, it meant that his emotions were heightened. Jenna was able to help him, as an anchor. But she was gone and he had to deal with it on his own again.

"Right" Sam smiled tightly before continuing. "Listen, I-I know this is weird--so weird--but, uh, before you died, do you remember anything about the person that killed you?" Sam spoke softly.

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