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"i will fight for my family until my last breath"

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"i will fight for my family until my last breath".


Castiel showed up at the playground that secretly held the portal to Heaven, meeting up with an angel he knew named Dumah. The angel was shockingly willing to meet up with him despite his reputation, which made Castiel happy.

"Dumah, thank you for agreeing to meet with me. This is a matter of—of great urgency. It's imperative that I locate Jack" Castiel explained to the angel as she walked closer. "You mean the twin nephilim" Heaven had found out the twin's names but referred to them as the nephilims. "Yes, do the angels have him?" Castiel questioned hopefully. "No" Castiel became worried, praying to the absent God that Jack wasn't taken by Asmodeus.

"Okay, you're certain that he's not maybe sitting in—in Metatron's old cell or—" Dumah cut him off. "If we had him or his sister, they wouldn't be imprisoned. They would be put to work" Dumah's vessels voice was soft as she explained this to Castiel. "What do you mean?" Castiel slightly tensed.

"Castiel, the angels...our numbers were greatly diminished after the fall. No one's made new angels since the dawn of creation. We're going extinct. You would need a powerful force to make more of us" Castiel tried to stay calm, but he hated the idea of that happening to the children he swore he would protect. "You mean Jack and Jenna" Castiel paused for a moment, collecting himself before going on. "Even if they had that power, what makes you think either of them would cooperate?" Castiel questioned, knowing the twins most likely wouldn't listen to some strangers.

"They may not have a choice" It was easy to forget that most angels didn't have the same experience and emotions as Castiel did, they didn't know right from wrong in a human's moral stance. "So you're planning to enslave both of them for some kind of experiment?" Dumah looked a bit guilty, or at least that's how her vessel looked. "Castiel, they are not your pet. The nephilims belongs to all of us" Castiel heard a familiar noise, looking over at the portal to Heaven to see two angels showing up. Castiel started to back up, feeling betrayed that Dumah called other angels.

"You did well, Dumah. You delivered him as promised" One angel said before turning to Castiel. "We hear you have influence with the nephilims. They'll listen to you" Castiel was upset, disgusted even at the angel's idea of enslaving the two nephilims who weren't even a year old. "No, I will not help you" He declared, never willing to give up the two that he swore to protect. "Ever the renegade" The curly haired angel commented. "Castiel, please, come with us" Dumah begged, grabbing Castiel's wrist, only for the notorious angel to push her away.

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