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"she's proof that you can walk through hell and still be an angel"

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"she's proof that you can walk through hell and still be an angel".


Jenna and Jack woke up next to each other as they heard Sam and Dean's voices. They both shot straight up at the same time as they heard what they were hearing.

"-we made it. You, me, and the kids finally under one roof" Jack and Jenna shared a look as they realized they were somehow it Jack's room. Neither twin remembered going back to the bunker together, but they were both happy to be side-by-side, finally back together.

"And, you know honestly, it doesn't matter where Jack's been. I'm just glad Jack's back" Jack smiled at Sam's words, making Jenna smile too.

"Right, home safe, where he belongs. Where they belong" Suddenly, alarms started blasting throughout the bunker, the rooms turning red from the warning lights.

Some sort of smoke was slowly creeping in from outside the door. The two twins instantly ran out of the room, hearing Sam and Dean yell their names in panic.

"Hold on!" The two rushed to the door where Sam and Dean were trapped behind. "In here! Help!" A fire was seen under the door. "The door, guys! You two gotta open the door!" The two tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.

"It's locked!" Jenna cried out, both not wanting to loose their family. "It's—it's a fire! We're trapped" Jack and Jenna tried to open the door, but it wasn't moving.

"Sam? Dean? What's happening?" Jenna yelled. "I can't..." Sam and Dean were coughing on the other side of the door. Both twins used their powers to try and open the door. "That's it! That's it! You're doing it!" Dean spoke from the other side, but in truth their powers weren't working.

Their powers only blasted straight back at them, knocking them to the ground as they could now barely move. They were forced to hear the cries of Sam and Dean, both twins in tears.


In truth, an angel under Michael's command was controlling the twins minds, an angel by the name of Zachariah. The vessel's hands were both on Jack and Jenna's foreheads as he controlled their minds, Michael slightly pacing as he watched.

"Zachariah, these mind games of yours aren't working" Thunder clapped in the background. "We're close" Zachariah hesitated, taking his hands off of their heads. "Okay, I'll...keep trying" Zachariah refused to give up.

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