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"a wise man once told me family don't end in blood, but it doesn't start there either

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"a wise man once told me family don't end in blood, but it doesn't start there either. family cares about you, not what you can do for them. family's there through the good, bad, all of it. they got your back even when it hurts. that's family".


As soon as they arrived at the destination, Sam fell to the ground while Lucifer held Jack's coat collar as well as Jenna's oversized sleeve(she had been wearing one of Sam's old flannels) in one hand while gesturing at Sam with the other as he spoke. "Really, Sam? Hitching a ride? I mean, do you ever quit?" Lucifer commented as he watched Sam fail to get up.

"Go to hell" Sam spat, only making the devil roll his eyes. "Hell. Yeah, been there, done that" Lucifer dropped the twins who were unconscious. He walked over to Sam before kicking him, knocking him back down.


Sam gasped loudly as Lucifer held him in the air by his throat. "You know..." Lucifer sighed. "It's been real fun. I really had a great time with you, but I think we should see other people. What do you say?" Sam only gasped, not being able to speak.

The twins regain consciousness. Jenna tried to use the rest of her grace to attack Lucifer, but she couldn't. Her remaining grace was trying to heal her from whatever head injury she just got from being dropped onto the floor.

Jack and Jenna helped each other up, both weak but ready to fight to save Sam. He was the first person to accept them despite knowing they were the devil's biological children. He believed in them when nobody else did. He never left them. He was pretty much their dad, not Lucifer.

Lucifer roared, his eyes flashing the gold color that the twins had. As he was about to reach into Sam's soul, he heard someone yell, "Stop". The feminine voice made him drop Sam and turn around, seeing Jack and Jenna conscious.

"Now, why should I listen to you, dove? Either of you?" Lucifer questioned. "Because...we're your children" Jack hesitated as Lucifer moved closer. "Well, you had a chance with that, but now..." Lucifer punched Jack, the boy who was already weak now fell to the ground. He then did the same to Jenna, who tried to fight back but evidently fell to the ground as well.

"As for kids...I can make more of those" Sam had gotten up and tried to attack Lucifer, but was also punched hard enough that he fell to the ground. All three were now on the ground.

"Wow, Daddy Sammy coming to the rescue" Lucifer walked over to Sam who was trying to use the bench to get up. "But your little Jackie, the nougat-loving boy you loved before, he's killed people. And little Jenny over here, your little princess, literally tried to kill a teenager without knowing if he was really guilty or not. They've got a lot of blood on their hands" Sam staggered over, looking at how torn apart they were both physically and mentally. It broke his heart to see them like that.

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