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"her angel eyes saw the good in many devils"

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"her angel eyes saw the good in many devils".


It seemed like everyone was happy as they adjusted to the new world, even Jack was able to adjust easily. Nixon was the most excited, easily becoming just like the teens from their world. James liked using the gun range to keep up his skills, not convinced that this world was anywhere near being completely safe. He was teaching Jenna how to just in case, advising both her and Nixon to keep one on them at all times.

Jenna, on the other hand, was struggling immensely. She now didn't have her biological father, mother, or uncle left in the world. She felt useless sometimes as if they only kept her around because of her powers.

Jenna cried silently to herself until she heard a knock on her door. "Come in" Her voice was hoarse as she wiped away her tears.

Jenna wasn't expecting Dean to walk into her room. "Hey kid" Dean greeted, frowning when he saw the tears she was desperately trying to hide.

"Hi" She greeted meekly. Dean closed the door behind him, walking in and sitting down next to her. "What's got you upset, kid? Was it James? I'll kick his ass" Jenna smiled as she controlled the flow of her tears. "No, he's really nice" She reassured him.

"Do you....ever have nightmares?" She asked quietly. "All the time. Do you?" Jenna nodded. "About the other world. Michael tortured us, I watched so many people die because of those angels" She hugged herself tightly in comfort.

"I can't say that I know what you went through over there, because I don't. But I do know this, you came out stronger than ever. You made friends and allies who are there for you, just like we are. It'll get better, just take it one day at a time. Whatever you and Jack are dealing with, we'll figure out a way to deal with it, together. You're family kid, we look after our own" Dean hugged the girl, she rested her head on his shoulder.

"Thank you, Dee" She mumbled, Dean smiled at the nickname. "You're welcome, kid" Their bonding moment was ruined when Sam literally burst down the door, Jack at his side. Both looked sad. "What's wrong?"


Nixon was dead. Jenna's empathetic best friend was gone. The first one at the camp to befriend her despite who she is. The boy who was so excited to be in this new world, he was gone and Jenna had no idea how to bring him back.

Jack held onto Jenna as she clung to him, trying not to cry again. "He was so excited to live a normal life, to be here. I promised I would keep him safe, and..." Sam cut her off. "Stop, Jenna. This isn't your fault" Sam put his hand on her shoulder comfortingly. But nothing could stop the uncontrollable pain she was feeling, she lost another person.

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