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"sometimes hell is the person who promised you something heavenly

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"sometimes hell is the person who promised you something heavenly. the devil is good at pretending to be everything you want".


While the devil stood back and watched, Sam walked over to Mary and Dean. Mary pulled her youngest son into a hug instantly. "Sam?" Dean spoke, his once broken heart coming together after seeing the brother that he raised was alive.

"What happened?" Dean asked as Mary looked over Sam for any open wounds. "He, uh...he brought me back" They all looked over at the devil. "It's what I do" He feigned. "It is not what you..." Castiel stopped himself from getting too worked up, not when the twins were around. Jenna moved closer to her brother in fear of the devil in front of her.

"How did you get in here?" Castiel questioned. " VIP Pass. I'm with the band" Everyone's faces turned into ones of displeasure and distrust. Jenna remembered what she read about Lucifer in the Supernatural stories and what he did to Sam, she couldn't believe him for a second.

"Come on. Shouldn't you be thanking me? I-I gave Sammy an extra life. Besides, what with my little bro here" Lucifer gestured towards Gabriel. "Being a hot mess, I figured you need me. So, I'm here to join the team" Thunder rumbled in the distance as nobody responded to Lucifer.

Lucifer sauntered over to the twins, both holding onto the other's hand tightly in fear and anxiousness. "Your name's Jack and Jenna" He looked at his biological children in awe. "And yours is Lucifer" Jack added, standing slightly in front of Jenna in case anything went wrong.

Everyone started freaking out when Lucifer made contact with the twins, Dean was the one who showed his anger. "No. No, no. No. You don't talk to them" Dean pointed at Lucifer as he walked over. "And you two, don't listen to him" He finished, pointing at the twins.

"Um, don't you think that's their choice?" Lucifer said, staying as calm as he could appear. "No" There was now a tight circle around the group, even Gabriel was ready to fight his older brother in the name of protecting his niece and nephew who were nothing like Lucifer.

"Are you trying to keep me from my son and daughter? My kids?" The devil scoffed. "Well, these are Kelly Kline's children. They're nothing like you" Castiel retorted. "Don't say they're nothing like me. I'm the only one who understands them. This power they have? I'm powerful, dangerous, ruthless. In sense, though" Jack seemed cautious but still curious whereas Jenna seemed scared.

"No. Kill him" Dean exclaimed to Gabriel, who looked too uncomfortable in doing so. "He can't. He's not strong enough" Lucifer chuckled. "Dean..." Gabriel's voice was soft, trying to find a way to reason with the man. "You've got the blade" The anxiety of the situation was too much for the twins. "Stop" Jenna mumbled, wincing at the intensity.

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