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"i know it's hard to forget about someone you care about because  when you've built a home out of someone

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"i know it's hard to forget about someone you care about because when you've built a home out of someone...that kind of connection never goes away, it stays with you whether they leave or not". 


Jenna couldn't recall how long it had been since Jack left her. Days, weeks, it could've even been months. The days all squished together in her mind as she sulked in her room.

Jack was gone, she had lost her twin brother. He severed their mental connection and left her behind. She couldn't sense his presence, she couldn't talk to him through their minds anymore. She was alone.

Sure, Jenna knew she had the brothers and Castiel, but this was different. Jack had been her rock, the only thing she thought would always be constant in her long life. This was the same person she shared a womb with. This was the same person who did everything he could to make her happy.  But he was gone and she couldn't help but wonder who was next to leave her.

The knock on her bedroom door shook her out of her deep thinking. "Jenna? It's Sam" The Nephilim slightly relaxed at the sound of Sam's voice. Jenna knew she could trust Sam, he was the one she felt the most comfortable with.

"Come in" The hunter opened the door, frowning at the state of the teenage-appearing girl. Dark bags planted themselves under her eyes that weren't shining like they usually did. Jenna's tangled hair was thrown into a messy ponytail like Sam had once shown her how to do.

"How you holding up?" Sam knew it was a dumb question after he said it, but no one knew how to comfort her. Both himself, Dean, and Castiel had tried to come up with some sort of plan but it never seemed like it would actually work. So Sam decided to wing it, go without a plan. They couldn't let the girl be alone for a long time until they came up with a plan.

"Fine" Jenna's voice held no emotion as she continued to stare at the wall, not daring to look over at Sam. "You don't have to lie, Jenna. Remember what we taught you, it's okay to be upset. It doesn't make you weak" Jenna could feel her broken heart starting to throw emotions at her left and right, but tried to contain it as she spoke.

"I..." Jenna paused for a moment, more confused on how to handle the situation then anything. "I trusted him, and he betrayed me. How am I suppose to know who I can trust?" Jenna finally looked away from the wall and at Sam who was sporting his famous puppy-eyes.

"Jenna..." Sam sat next to her on the bed, holding her hand comfortingly before continuing. "Jack believed he was protecting you, he was scared that he would end up hurting you physically and forgot how it would hurt you emotionally. We'll get him back, Dean and I are calling everyone we know to be on the lookout for Jack. But staying in your room and staring at the wall...that's not gonna help you".

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