Fifteen - A New Hope

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Woohyun's POV

I was so dead tired. We danced a lot of times that I couldn't feel my legs anymore. I badly needed to rest, or I might not be able to walk again.

This morning, Sungkyu Hyung went to Jungyeop Hyung's office to talk to him about the plan that we talked about with Sungyeol and Sungjong. While he was doing that, I really don't know what to do, so I roamed around the building. Then I remembered that Dongwoo and Hoya were supposed to be here because they will be helping LOVELYZ with their choreography. So, I decided to go there to see how they were doing. When I saw that they seem to be seriously practicing, I decided to leave. I felt like I am in the mood to practice playing the piano. I am not yet that good, so I needed to practice harder.

As I was about to leave, I accidentally bumped into Ji Ae, and she asked me to join them. I was supposed to refuse and tell her that I want to practice by myself, but unfortunately, she and Hoya forced me to enter the room and join them in helping LOVELYZ with their dance moves.

We danced all afternoon as we tried to help the girls in the best way that we can. We showed them how in sync INFINITE is when it comes to dancing. Well, we are known as the Kings of Synchronization and Knife-Like Dance Choreography after all.

In between dance practices, Hoya, and the girls of LOVELYZ were all teasing me and Kei. I actually felt a bit uncomfortable, but what can I do? I couldn't directly say in front of them to stop because I don't like Kei romantically. I couldn't bring myself to hurt her feelings just like that. The only person who could understand me in this room is Dongwoo. He knows how I really feel toward Kei. He looked at me as he shook his head. I know that he wanted to say something, but just like me, he can't do anything about the issue as well. The girls are going to debut soon, and heartache is the last thing that Kei should have right now.

After the break, we decided to continue. We were showing them a dance move when Ji Ae pushed Kei toward me.

"Oppa! Kei here is having a difficult time with some parts of our choreography. Please show her what she needs to do." she said as she smiled broadly.

Kei was blushing, "Oppa, sorry about that! Ji Ae Unnie is very playful today. I already told her to stop it, but she won't listen to me. She keeps on doing it over and over again."

I just looked at her, and tried to smile, "It's okay Kei. I know Ji Ae very well, and I must say that she's a bit hard-headed. Right now, she's just being playful. I guess we can't blame her for being herself. Anyway, what are you having problems with?" She told me about it, and I tried my best to help her out. We also talked about a lot of things like the proper way of singing while dancing. It seems like we have a lot of things in common. We both love singing, and we are both the main singers of our group. We also are both in charge of doing aegyo in our group.

We continued dancing non-stop for the next 4 hours. After that, we all decided to finish, and let the girls get ready for their vocal training.


I was about to go to the bathroom when I saw Sungkyu Hyung enter the Practice Room.

"Hyung!" I called him.

"Woohyun-nah!" he said. "I have good news for you. Jungyeop Hyung accepted your proposition. He said we just need to discuss it with the other boys. Kaja! Let's call them!"

Sungkyu Hyung was about to get his phone to call them when Myungsoo appeared out of nowhere. "What do you need to tell us?" he said as he walked towards us.

"Ahhh!" I shouted. "Myungsoo, I swear. Someday, you're going to be the cause of my death." I told him as I was holding my chest. Myungsoo being himself was laughing out loud while clapping his hands.

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