Twenty - Meeting INFINITE

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Hyena's POV

I really had a great time shopping with Myungsoo Oppa and Sungyeol Oppa. They were very nice to me, and I really enjoyed their company a lot. As I said before, I don't really like shopping because it is a very tiring activity, but I am very happy to say that I enjoyed it this time. Maybe it was because of those two dorks for there was never any dull moment with them. Sungyeol Oppa keeps on making jokes, and he is indeed really funny. I almost suffered from a stomachache because I was laughing non-stop.

On the other hand, Myungsoo Oppa was a bit quiet and reserved at first, but as the day progressed, he became very energetic and talkative. I think L Cosplay is real. He really has two personalities. On stage, he is known as L, a cold city guy who could easily melt millions of hearts with just his stares and smile. Then as he steps down the stage and takes off his costume, he becomes Myungsoo, a cute and dorky guy who has a lot of charming sides.

Well if you would ask me, I prefer Myungsoo Oppa over L Oppa because I like him being dorky and talkative. Also, he is the kind of person who is not afraid to make a fool out of himself. I like the fact that he could show his true self in front of me.

After our mini shopping spree, we spent some time in a Coffee shop inside the mall. We decided to go there because Sungyeol Oppa was a bit hungry already. We didn't order a lot of things because Myungsoo Oppa said that we will be having dinner later with the other members of INFINITE. I am so excited about that because finally, I will be able to meet the other members of my favorite group. Also, I am very happy because I will be seeing Woohyun Oppa again.

Why am I excited?! 

Well! Okay, I admit, I really like him. Yes, I like Woohyun Oppa. There I said it. In fact, he is my ultimate bias in their group. That's why when Dr. Heechul told me that he was my savior, I felt extremely happy.

I remembered the time when I started stanning him, I often stalk him on the Internet. Don't get me wrong, I am not a sasaeng. I just wanted to know his whereabouts, so I followed him on Instagram. I also have tons of his pictures on my laptop. Speaking of that, I wonder where was it? I wonder if someone found my laptop. I feel bad because I think I won't be able to see my laptop anymore.

Anyway, I don't know why I feel this way towards him. I feel happy, and very excited every time I see him. Whenever I watch their MVs or their variety shows, I always focus on him all the time. Woohyun Oppa is one of the reasons why I really want to go to their fan meetings. I really wanted to see him, but whenever I am in the venue, I often get scared. I am such a coward!

I don't really know why, but every time I see Woohyun Oppa, my heart beats so fast. I know I haven't seen him personally before, but even though it was just on TV or whenever I hear his voice, my heart just wanted to shout. You may say that I am just going crazy and that I sounded like a fool who is so in love with him.

Yes, I finally admitted it!

I can say that I am indeed really IN LOVE with him.

I am sure about my feelings. Yes, I may be inexperienced when it comes to these things. I haven't had a boyfriend yet, but I am sure about how I feel. The only experience I have with love is with Yonghwa Oppa. Well, that's a one-sided love because you know how it turned out. Anyway, I also know my boundaries, and I know where to put myself into. I know that I can't really be with him because he is a celebrity compared to me. I am just an ordinary fangirl. Well, I already accepted this fact way before, and I know that it will always be a jjagsarang (one-sided love) again. Though that's the case, I still chose to love him.

Well, I am happy now that we met each other because at least I had the chance to see him. I had the opportunity to be with him up close, and even talk to him. He also gave me his phone number. That's enough for me. I will always be his number one fan. Speaking of phone numbers, I will definitely save his later on the phone that we bought a while ago. I hope that he would also be excited to see me.

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