Chapter 2: Calm Under Pressure

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"Move the line back another twenty feet, just to be safe"

Alec called to the uniformed officers in charge of keeping the bystanders back.

They had got a call into the station about 8:30am saying that there was a robbery in progress at West Coast Bank. The call said that the robber had a bomb and had taken hostages. There was no count so far, best estimate was around twenty.

As of yet no one had confirmed the possible explosive, but to air on the side of caution they had deployed a device to jam cell reception for a half mile radius of the bank just to avoid any possible triggering of a device. He'd tried to call Simon as he left the station, but it just went straight to voicemail.

He was a bit annoyed, honestly; he understood that Simon was happy with Raphael, they really were annoyingly adorable together, but he couldn't believe that Simon would ignore a work call to spend a bit more time with his boyfriend. He guessed that when he got to the station they'd just send him out to the scene, but he really should have been here, they could really use the extra help with crowd control.

He was pulled from his thoughts when he heard tires squeal to a stop near the barricade. Looking up he saw Magnus bound out of the car; his first thought was relief, maybe Magnus could figure out something about this, he seemed to be able to on almost anything. Then he noticed that Raphael was with him; that kind of surprised him, he hadn't seen Simon yet, maybe he was driving separately? He started over to them

"Hey, they're okay, let them in"

He called over to the uniform trying to stop them, which was probably a good thing, as it didn't look like either of them was about to stop anyways. Then he noticed the expressions on their faces

Magnus looked worried and rather angry; he kept shooting glances at Raphael, who looked more terrified than Alec had ever seen. That was not good; he didn't even think the guy had a scared expression. Didn't think anything could scare the man.

"Did the chief call you in on the case? Where's S-, sorry, is he alright?" He asked Magnus, glancing at Raphael

He didn't even really seem to be registering Alec

Magnus shakes his head

"Why haven't you been answering your phone!?"

Alec was stunned by the anger in his voice; he'd never heard Magnus sound like that

"Magnus, they have the cell signals jammed for half a mile, we got a call that the bank was being robbed and that the robber may have a bomb"

Raphael made a slight sound, it was the first he'd heard of the man since they'd arrived. Magnus put his arm around him, comforting him a bit.

"Seriously, what is wrong with him?"

Magnus shook his had

"Alec, Simon is IN the bank"


Oh my god, what do I do? What do I do!?

Simon thought franticly.

He had no idea how to handle a freaking bank robbery! He didn't know the first thing about that kind of situation; he didn't even really watch movies with them! The last one he saw was in The Dark Knight! Somehow he didn't think Christian Bale was going to bust in and save them. He was way too immature to deal with this! He was thinking of Batman and had spent 30 minutes waiting for a comic book store to open to buy the Justice League Movie, for heaven's sake!

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