Chapter 8- Give Me A Reason

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Simon takes a deep breath, trying to steady himself, glancing over towards Wallace.

He had tied his hands before they left the bank, telling him that if he made any noise or called any attention to them he would shoot everyone he saw. Simon had no doubt he meant it.

Wallace had made the Hostages stay for a full five minutes before they left the building, he showed them a video feed of the bank lobby, telling them that if they left a second earlier, he would shoot Simon, they had agreed.

He had taken Simon to an older non-descript, dark blue truck with tinted windows

Something that would be completely unnoticed

They had been driving for about fifteen minutes now, moving into the warehouse district

Simon was trying to remain calm, but without the other's around to focus on, he was beginning to lose the confidence he'd had for most of the day

It was just him now, and he really didn't know what to do anymore.

"S-so you got away, huh? No slip ups?"

Wallace nodded a bit

"Yup, your boyfriend's plan worked pretty well"

Simon nodded nervously

"Yeah, he's kind of amazingly smart, I'm really lucky to have him"

He looked over at Wallace again, hopefully

"I'd really like to see him again, like, soon. Do you have any idea when you are going to let me go?"

Wallace gave a rather cold smile

"Now, when did I say I was going to do that?"

Simon's heart sunk

He was really hoping he wasn't going to say something like that

For the first time today, he was beginning to think he wasn't going to make it out of this alive


Wallace took him to an old warehouse on the outskirts of town

When they pulled up two men came out to the truck, pulling Simon out and hulling him roughly into the warehouse

Simon glanced around as he was being pushed along

There were hundreds of boxes and crates scattered around the warehouse

Two other men were opening the crates, seemingly searching them for something, paying no attention to Wallace and the other two holding Simon

They pushed him towards a small room on one side of the warehouse, an office of some type at one point. One of the men unlocked the door and they forced him into the room, pushing him into a kind of rickety looking chair, one of them quickly cut the bindings on his wrists, only for another to swiftly move him and retie him to the chair.

"Here you go; got you some company for a bit" Wallace sneered, looking over towards the other end of the room

Simon looked over

There was a young woman, maybe late teens, if that. The poor girl looked terrified, she was fastened to a chair as well, it looked like she'd been here for a while. Her long black hair was braided, at one time; it was now coming down, slightly wild looking. Her dark brown eyes were wide with fear and Simon could see tear streaks on her cheeks from where she'd been crying. The girl looked like she'd been through hell today

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