Chapter 3- Blast From The Past

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Alec froze for a moment, what Magnus said just didn't seem to be registering

"W-what do you mean?"

"Simon was running errands this morning, the bank was his last stop before work, he was on the phone with Raphael when it started"

Alec turned from them and started barking orders

"You find a land line, call Chief Garroway, tell him Detective Lewis is one of the hostages. Move those people back further, get me an ETA on the FBI Hostage Negotiator, they should be here by now. What the HELL are you all doing standing around, one of our own is in there, MOVE PEOPLE!"

They scrambled

Alec turned back to Raphael, he still looked a bit out of it, but he really needed to know

He put his hand on the man's shoulder shaking him just a bit to get his focus

"Raphael, hey, look, this is really scary, I know you're worried for him, I am too. He's my partner, I want him out as much as you, but I need all the information I can get, okay? I really need to know exactly what you heard."

Raphael looked at him, like he was finally registering; he shook his head a bit, coming back to himself

"I-I don't know it all just happened really fast. We were talking; he'd called because the line was really long and he was board and just wanted to talk. He just sounded so happy, we were talking about our date tonight and he was all excited that he'd got this movie and then I heard a gunshot, and people screaming, and he said 'Oh my god' and the line just dropped"

He shook his head

"Alec, what, what are we going to do? We have to get him out"

"I know, I know, we WILL okay?"

"You can't promise that"

"The hell I can't! We will get him out, we will get them all out, I will do everything possible to get him out, okay?"

Raphael nodded

He looked like he was about to say something but they were interrupted by a black van pulling up

A blonde man got out; he was fairly tall, mid to late forties, and seemed to have an air of authority about him

It was clearly the negotiator the FBI had sent

Magnus breathed a slight sigh of relief; having someone with experience with this they may just stand a chance

At least he was relieved until he glanced over at Alec; he looked shocked and suddenly not nearly as self assured as he had been just a moment ago

The man approached them sending a somewhat familiar smile towards Alec

"Alec good to see you again"



"Umm, i-it's okay?" Simon tired

"What do you mean 'It's Okay?!' I have been dragged into a bank robbery and now not only have I took hostages, I took a COP hostage, I think you need to stop saying 'okay', I'm not entirely sure you know what that means!"

Simon was getting kind of exasperated with this

"Oka-, well, you know, I really don't know what to tell you, then. You are in the middle of a robbery, you are participating in the robbery, you are holding people hostage and, really whatever you thought you were agreeing to was just as illegal, so it sucks that you got 'roped' into this or whatever, but that's all on you. Stop acting like you didn't have a choice."

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