Chapter 11- So, Who Are You Guys?

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Alec slowly turned the door knob opening it slightly, just enough to peek inside. It looked clear, from here he couldn't see the chairs Simon and the terrified young woman were in, but he didn't see anyone else in the room, and he was reasonably sure the other men were all accounted for. Deeming it clear, he moved forward into the room, Magnus following closely behind him.

Magnus pulled the door closed behind him, then, glancing over his shoulder, tumbled back into Alec, knocking them both to the ground, just barely missing what seemed to be a pretty powerful blow from what looked like the leg of one of the chairs swung by the, most definitely, no longer terrified, young woman

"Hey Divya, wait! I know them! These are my friends, they helped with your brother, oh my god, don't hit them!" Simon said frantically from beside her, dropping his own makeshift weapon, catching the chair leg, stilling her.

She lowers the makeshift club, looking between Simon and the two new men.

Simon moved around her, towards Alec and Magnus. Magnus quickly surges forward, pulling the younger man into a tight hug, and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek, causing Simon to blush, slightly

"H-Hey Magnus, Alec, good to see you guys, umm... What are you doing here?" Simon asked Alec, leaning slightly around Magnus, who still seemed to be checking to make sure he was okay, like he just couldn't believe it

Alec gave him a confused look

"Umm,,, we're rescuing you? Well, we were rescuing you, though it looks like you guys kind of had it under control"

Alec shook his head a bit, with a rather astounded smile, suddenly extremely proud of his partner

Magnus grinned at Alec

"I told you, darling, he was amazing"

He turned back to Simon, slipping his arm around him one more time

"You were truly remarkable today, sweetheart" He kissed Simon's cheek one more time, causing Simon to blush brightly, ducking his head a bit

"So, I take it this one is your boyfriend, who's the other guy?" The young woman asked glancing curiously at Alec

Looking over at Simon, Alec couldn't help a slight laugh; he really wouldn't have thought it was possible for someone to blush that much

Simon shook his head, frantically

"N-No, no, this is Magnus, he's a friend, a really, really affectionate friend, but no, we're definitely not together, uh, no offense, Magnus" He hastily added apologetically glancing at said friend

Magnus chuckled slightly "I'll try not to take it too personally, sweetheart"

Alec smiled over at the girl shaking his head slightly, "I'm Alec, his partner, work partner, best to clarify, it's probably not healthy for him to blush any more than he already is"

She grinned back, nodding slightly

"I think you are most definitely right about that, Alec. I'm Divya, by the way" She gave a bit of a half wave, then realized she was still holding the chair leg, dropping it with a clatter, before glancing over at Magnus

"Sorry about almost knocking you out, we weren't really expecting a rescue party"

"Quite alright, darling, no harm done"

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