Chapter 4- Doubt

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"Yeah, this really isn't a time for jokes" Hodge said condescendingly

"Do you really think I'd be joking at a time like this?" Magnus countered assertively

Hodge turned to Alec in disbelief

"Alec? You can't possibly buy this, right? I trained you better than that"

Alec shook his head, slightly "Hodge, I-I know it sounds out there, it seems crazy, and honestly, I don't really believe in the 'psychic' thing most of the time. But whatever he can do, it is a valuable resource; it has solved cases, he has solved cases. I may not know how he does what he does, but it works, whatever information he comes up with, I do take seriously. I've yet to see him miss anything, He gets results, that's enough for me"

Hodge snorted dismissively, "I'm going to call in and get the negotiations started; just keep them out of my way so they don't make it worse."

He shook his head slightly, "I'm disappointed, Alec. I really thought you were smarter than to fall for something like this." With that he turned and walked over toward the van

Alec just stood for a minute, before turning back towards Raphael and Magnus, shrugging slightly

"I am sorry, guys. I-I really think he'll be able to help though: he was one of the best on the force when I worked with him. I think he is the best chance we have to get Simon and the rest of the hostages out"

Neither of them was really assured, but it was rather pointless to argue the point, he outranked everyone else on the scene, not like they could find a way to get him off the case.

Magnus nodded, as reassuring as he could be, "There's nothing we really can do about him. I trust your judgment; if you think he can handle it, I'll believe you."

Alec gave him a rather grateful look, before turning to Raphael, placing his hand on his shoulder

"We will get him out, Raphael"

He nodded, "Thank you, detective. Try to stay close to him though, please? I don't trust that man, I sure as hell don't trust him with Simon's life; you I can."

Alec nodded

"Yeah, yeah, I can do that"

Alec turned, walking towards the van

As soon as he was gone Raphael turned back to Magnus

"Mags, I need to know, really, what do you think? I like Alec, I do, and I absolutely have more faith in him than that jackass, but with all of this, with this Hodge? He is off, he is not nearly as unshakable as he usually is; and like this? This is Simon's life we're talking about; there can't be any mistakes"

Magnus sighed a bit; Raphael did have a point. He hated to doubt Alexander, up till now he hadn't thought anything could cause him to, but with this 'Hodge' he just didn't seem the same, and with it not being just any case, with Simon being on the line?

He shook his head slightly

"You are right; on this one, I really just don't know. I've looked around a bit, but there is just so much I can find from this far away, from outside. I just don't have enough information; I really think, in order to do this, I have to actually get in there. I don't see any other way"

Raphael took a deep breath, trying to steady himself

"I was afraid you were going to say that. I- I hate the idea of you being in there too; you and Simon? You really are the most important people in my life; but I do have faith in you. If you think you can do this, and come out safely, keep him safe, and the rest of them? I'm in, whatever you need."


Raphael waited until Alec stepped away from Hodge, going to talk to a few of the uniforms before he made his way over to the man.

Hodge glanced up as he approached, obviously annoyed and dismissive.

"What do you want?"

He gave his most charming smile

"I need something to do, to help take my mind off this a bit, is there anything I can do to help?"

"No, no there isn't; I told you, we'll get your buddy out, but we need to be able to work, you want to help? Keep your flamboyant little friend out of the way and let the professionals do our job"

Raphaels smile turned dangerous

"Boyfriend: not my buddy, friend, or any other platitude or dismissive little term you can think of. He is my boyfriend. Get used to the term, because it is not going away. Magnus; my 'flamboyant little friend' as you so put it? He is a better detective and a better man, and is, by far more intelligent, resourceful and brave than you could ever begin to hope to be. You are an officer of the law. You are sworn to protect the public, and, despite how much you may wish otherwise, that doesn't just include people whose views you agree with. Furthermore, regardless of what you think of his orientation or identification Simon is a fellow law enforcement officer, I would like to think that that should matter more to you than some tired, outdated, prejudices that you so desperately cling to."

Hodge looked shocked and somewhat unsettled

"I don't like what you're implying-"

"Oh, do not misunderstand me. I am not implying anything, I am stating it outright: you are a narrow-minded, homophobic embarrassment of an officer, and the very embodiment of every negative stereotype of those in law enforcement. I'm just hoping, for the sake of my boyfriend, the rest of the people in there, and you, that the 'officer' part outweighs the rest."

Now the man looked irate, Raphael could see him readying himself for a confrontation, going on guard; he could practically hear the self aggrandizing monologue gearing up.

Raphael had to hide a smile

for being a big shot, FBI profiler and negotiator, the man was almost painfully easy to manipulate


Magnus shot a quick glance at where Raphael was talking to Hodge, even from this distance he could see the agitation on the negotiators face. He looked furious, and totally focused: perfect.

He slipped quickly back to his car and grabbed a small nondescript pouch, slipping it into his pocket. He made his way through the crowd of onlookers around the side of the bank. The police were flanking the front and back of the bank, the onlookers crowding around as if it was some morbid kind of show. No one was really on this side though; no one even seemed to have thought to check the emergency exit. It was just the thing.

He crept up to the door; reached into the small pouch and pulled out a tiny lock pick quickly setting to work. With the cell jammer in place the alarm should be disabled so he shouldn't draw attention. He popped the lock quickly, taking a deep breath and slipping inside.


Okay, yeah I know the thing with the alarm system isn't probably accurate, but we may just need to suspend belief just a teensy bit to move the plot along, kay?

It almost sounds plausible, if you read fast enough

Next chapter should be up tonight (but late, I work till 10), I'm off tomorrow though, I'm hoping I can get 2 up then, but no promises

V1S4- Simon Walks Into A Bank- Psych! It's Magnus VerseWhere stories live. Discover now