Chapter 9- I Am Done Waiting Around

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Magnus, Alec and Raphael parked about a quarter mile away from the address and slipped quietly up to the building.  They circled it trying to get a layout of the area. The warehouse was fairly dilapidated; a few of the windows were busted out, the grounds were overgrown, it looked like it had been abandoned for quite a while.  There was only one door in, two men were standing guard near it, they looked somewhat relaxed, chatting casually.

Slipping around the building the three men spread out slightly each checking through other windows, trying to get a better idea what to do next.

Peering through the windows the warehouse was bustling. Through one window they could see five men in total moving about. The warehouse was full of crates and boxes; three men were searching through the boxes, two other's seemed to be loading some of the crates and boxes into what looked like a moving van.

"That taller, blond guy? That's Wallace" Magnus told the others quietly

"He's very cold, very calculating; definite ex-military. I think a few if not all of them are."

"What are all those things they're moving?" Raphael asked

"I think those are from an evidence storage facility, look at the markings on the side"

Raphael nodded

"Do you know if there's one near the bank? That could have been the main target" Magnus asked, glancing at Alec

Thinking for a moment, Alec nodded

"Well, there could be, they're usually kind of non-descript. I think there is one over on 6th, a bit away from the bank, right in the Cell jammer radius, that'd line up. Things for active cases are kept at the station, but when a case is done, whatever isn't returned, or is unable to be returned, is stored, in case it is ever needed again. It's not that highly protected, I think they usually have a guard or two, and cameras, but with no one really knowing where they are kept, they generally are thought to be fairly safe. Well, they were-"

"Hey, over here! I found him!" Magnus called over to them, quietly. He'd slipped further down the building, in front of another window, waiving them frantically over.

They moved over to the window

Peering through they could see into what appeared to, at one time, be an office. In it they could see Simon and a young woman. They were both tied to chairs. They looked like they were struggling, trying to get the ropes loose, talking quietly and quickly. The girl looked as if she'd been there for far longer than Simon, they both appeared to be unharmed, if rather desperate to get out.

"I think that may be Raj's sister." Magnus said

"Man, she's just a kid!" Raphael snapped, he looked totally furious

"Raj said she just turned seventeen, she's a senior in high school. The way he talked, they have no one else"

"We need to get them out, soon. They're looking through the crates, searching for specific things, but that will only take so long. When they find all that they are looking for, when they're done? Those men aren't going to leave any witnesses."

Alec pulled out his phone to call for back up, but there was no signal. He shook his head angrily

"Damnit! They have the signal jammed here too! I can't get through to anyone"

"I have a radio, but it's in the car and I'm not leaving to go get it, I don't want to take my eyes off of them, not when we're this close"

Raphael shook his head slightly

"It would not matter anyways; the road out this way is completely blocked off because of the bomb threat, traffic will be backed up for miles by now." Raphael said disconsolately

"It's up to us, we need to figure this one out for ourselves, and we need to do it soon."


Simon struggled against the ropes holding him to the chair. It seemed no use. Glancing over Divya didn't seem to be fairing much better. There had to be SOME way....

Thinking back to anything that may be of use, he had a vague idea. He thought he remembered something from an episode of a show...

He stopped struggling for a moment, trying to take a deep breath. Trying to relax as best as he could

The ropes seemed to have a bit of slack now.

"Hey, wait, stop moving a sec." He called over to Divya


"Okay, so, this is kinda crazy, but I saw on a show once, I can't remember which one, but that doesn't really matter..Anyways, like if you're tied up, you like really tense up, then when you relax, you will have some slack in the ropes. I figure, both of us were really tense when this happened so it might work. It's kinda a long shot, but it can't make it worse. I tried it a bit and I think I have a bit of slack now, so, I don't know, it's worth a shot."

Divya nodded a bit, closing her eyes and taking a few deep, calming breaths.

Deep breath in

Hold for ten seconds

Breathe out


Simon tried the same thing, slowly trying to relax his entire body

He tried the ropes again

More slack!

He moved slightly, the ropes were loose enough now he could move them just a bit

If he could just get them up over his shoulders

"Hey! I got it!" Divya said excitedly

Simon looked over at her

She'd got the ropes loosened around her chest, leaning over to get the ones holding her legs to the chair

"Yes! It worked! It totally worked!" Simon exclaimed, excitedly

She quickly moved over, helping Simon with his binds

He stood up quickly hugging her

She hugged him back

"Oh my god! You are amazing!" He exclaimed animatedly

"Me!? It was you're plan!"

"Okay, so, let's find something to defend ourselves. They're bound to come to get us soon, we need to be ready. If you want, just try to stay behind me, I should be able to handle it, they won't be expecting us to be loose."

She shook her head

"Oh, I don't think so! These guys attacked me, they threatened my brother, they have held me here for nearly ten hours; for most of which I thought my brother may have been hurt, or far worse. I am DONE just sitting around"

Simon smiled, nodding slightly, determined

"Yeah, me too"

______________End Of Chapter/Notes___________

Okay, so I kind of really love Divya already, she is SO staying around. I had a bit of an idea. I have Raphael as Ace, I think I might have her be as well. I think it'd be kinda cool for her and Raphael to kind of bond over that and her to become really good friends with him and Simon; and, of course her brother is totally terrified of Raphael and she just thinks it's hilarious.

I love how this is turning out!

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