Chapter 10- Umm...Magnus?

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"So how are we going to do this? We need to find a way to get in there, and we need to get them out safely, and soon" Alec started

Magnus shook his head slightly somewhat at a loss

"I'm just not sure"

"Well, Wallace and the others seem to be focused on the items on the far side of the warehouse. If someone can get the guards away from the door, get them distracted, then the other two of us can sneak in, get to them, and get them out" Raphael suggested

"That might work, but how do we get them away from the door?" Alec asked

Raphael just gave a bit of a confident shrug

"Just be ready, I got it"

With that he turned from the other two, wandering away

"Wait! What are you doing?" Alec whispered shouted after him uncertainly

Raphael turned back to him, flashing a, somewhat unsettling, smile and a wink, giving a bit of a shrug

"Just be ready" he said in an oddly cheerful tone

He ran his fingers through his hair a bit, then turned and wandered back the way they'd came, back towards the road

"What's he doing?" Alec asked Magnus, thoroughly confused

He just shrugged a bit

A few minutes later Raphael wandered back from a slightly different direction, and right up to where the guards were standing. They tense up when they noticed him approaching, moving their hands to their weapons and further from the door few feet closer to him, to intercept the possible threat.

"What are you doing out here?" one asks gruffly, looking him over

The other one folds his arms, apparently trying to stare the newcomer down

Raphael, seemingly oblivious to the intimidation or the gruffness, gives a relieved, slightly breathless sounding, half laugh, and a thankful smile, pausing a bit, as if to catch his breath

"Oh, thank god, finally found another person! Hi, I-I, was on my way to a party and kind of got lost. See, I didn't even really want to go, but I literally just found out my ex got engaged and we haven't even been broken up a month, and I just really needed a distraction, you know? So at the last minute I decided to go, but it's at some warehouse and I was kind of unclear where, exactly, and I guess I must of passed it or something cause there is like nothing out here, and the directions are on my phone, but there is, like, no reception out here, and my car broke down, and it seems like I've just been walking forever and my phone is now totally dead, and this has just been the worst day ever!"

Seeming to freeze for a second, really looking at the guys for the first time, glancing from one to the other and giving a bit of a slower, appreciative, once over, like he couldn't really choose which to focus on

"Well, at least it was, hi..."

Alec shook his head slightly, baffled

"So, that's his plan? Flirt with the guards? Seriously? That's just, like, what, his go to move?"

Magnus shrugged slightly

"Eh, it's usually 'plan A'. It is surprisingly effective more often than not"

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