Chapter 7- Boyfriend?

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"So really, how is it going so far? How are you doing?" Magnus asked concerned

Simon Shrugged slightly

"I don't know, I guess as well as can be expected"

Magnus shook his head faintly

"You are handling this remarkably well, darling; I really did not know what to expect coming in here, but it certainly wasn't this" Magnus said gesturing toward Simon, impressed, and rather proud

He blushed slightly

"Well, I was freaking out at first, but then, I don't know, I just looked around and saw everyone else scared and panicking and..and.. I'm a detective, I thought I had to do something, I had to try to keep everyone safe, and I thought panicking wasn't going to help anything so I tried to calm some people down and have just been kind of going like that ever since."

One of the women in the group nodded

"Detective Lewis has been remarkable, I don't think we'd be fairing nearly as well without him"

The others nodded, including, surprisingly, Raj, the accomplice

Magnus turned to him, leveling a censuring look at the man

"And just what the hell does he have on you to get you to go along with this?"

Raj shook his head slightly, eyes wide

Simon put his hand on Magnus' shoulder

"He thought it was just a hacking job. When he got here and Wallace told him the actual plan he tried to back out, but Wallace threatened to go after his sister, he has an entire file of information on Raj. We would have tired something, but Raj heard him say he had a bomb and we really don't know if that was a bluff or not, we were trying to come up with something, but we just don't know enough"

Magnus nodded slightly sympathetically towards Raj

He started pacing a bit, putting the pieces together quickly in his head

"Yeah, He mentioned the bomb, he's bluffing, tone wasn't right, and he isn't suicidal so he's not about to blow up a building with himself in it; he's far too full of himself for that. There is no bomb, never was, it was a way to get the cell signals out. I don't know all the details, but that was his main goal. He doesn't care about the money, that wasn't what he was after. He keeps throwing demands at Hodge, but they're just distractions, ways to keep them scrambling and buy time for whatever he's really working on. He's working with someone on the outside, and they needed the signal scrambled in this area without drawing attention. A signal jammer is easy enough to get a hold of, if you know the right people, which, I get the feeling, he does, but it draws a LOT of attention. The police do it, as a matter of public security, no one asks any questions."

He paused, looking at the rest of the group, everyone but Simon were staring at him in shock,

Simon was beginning to grow used to this

"Tell me, has there been any other calls into the bank, anyone besides Hodge?"

Simon thought for a second

"Well, none that he answered, there were a few of the phones out in the lobby that rang just once, it could of just been interference or someone actually trying to reach the bank through another land line, people do still have those, but now that you mention it.. It almost seemed like he was listening for it, the first time he seemed to relax when it happened, then he didn't even look up after that, like he was expecting it"

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