Chapter 12- you are amazing

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{Chapter 12- You Are Amazing}




What an absolutely insane day

Simon couldn't believe everything that had happened.

Reinforcements had swarmed the area not too long after they'd got out of the building, coming from, seemingly, everywhere. Luke and some of the officers from the station, a big black van, that had to be the FBI from the scene, and, surprisingly a few vehicles from the nearby military base.

Apparently, the warehouse was full of stolen items from all over Santa Barbra; it looked like it was going to be one of the biggest busts in SBPD history.

Simon really didn't care at this point. He was just glad they were here.

He really didn't know how all of them had heard of it, but it was a relief, hearing them pull up, knowing that it was finally done, actually done. He was okay, the hostages had got home safe, Divya was safe; they had actually managed to make it through everything.

Simon took a deep breath, finally, truly, feeling like he could just stop and catch his breath for the first time today.

"Hey, Detective" A voice said from fairly close by

Simon whirled around, slightly startled

"Oh, sorry! Didn't mean to scare you" Raj said apologetically,

"No, it's fine Raj, sorry. Guess I'm still a bit on edge, it was a really long day"

Raj nodded

"Yeah, it was for me, too, and I only had, like, the first half of it to deal with. I really don't even know how you're still standing" He gave a bit of a smile, continuing

"I-I really wanted to thank you, for today"

"Oh, I was just doing my job"

He shook his head

"No, you weren't, you went way above and beyond what you were required to do. You saved all the hostages, I'm pretty sure you saved my life- I don't think Wallace was planning to let me go, looking back, I'm almost sure of it, you saved my sister."

He gave Simon a half terrified look

"I-I didn't even know that they HAD her... I could have lost her today; I would have, had it not been for you. There is no way I could thank you for what you did. She is all that I have, I-if something had happened to her... I wouldn't be able to survive it, I know I wouldn't"

Simon put his hand on the other man's shoulder

"Hey, it's okay; she's fine. Actually, she is really freaking amazing! She's the one who got out first, she saved me as well. She is a really wonderful person; and a lot of that, I'm willing to bet, is because of you. She is good, she is going to be fine, she is going to do amazing things, I have no doubt"

"You are amazing," Raj said, shaking his head slightly

Simon blushed, slightly

"I-um, no, I-I just did what I could, thanks, though"

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