Chapter 6- The Best Bad Option

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"Come on, move, I don't have all day"

The gunman snapped as he pushed Magnus towards the back of the bank towards the vault.

As they rounded a corner he caught sight of the hostages; another man was watching them, he had a gun but he almost looked as terrified to see the robber as the hostages. Magnus would bet that he wasn't a completely willing participant in this. A quick glance at the gun confirmed that the safety was on, good this one may be a possibility. There were thirteen hostages in all, eight women and five men. He breathed a sigh of relief; they all looked unharmed. Looking them over, he realized something else, they almost seemed organized; the youngest or most vulnerable people were the furthest back, three elderly people, and a young women and man both barely looking out of their teens, if that. In the center were a few that, while afraid, looked like they were rather resigned to what was happening. In the very front were four people, a rather no nonsense looking middle-aged woman and three men, Simon was, surprisingly, in the group in the very front.

The gunman pushed Magnus roughly towards the rest of the hostages causing him to stumble into the front line, between Simon and another man. they steadied him, and kind of moved slightly so they were partially between the gunman and Magnus. Simon's eyes widened slightly glancing over at him but Magnus gave a quick, almost imperceptible shake of his head

The robber turned towards his accomplice

"Found another one, he was hiding in the bathroom, tried to sneak out. Keep an eye on him, he's kind of spirited and doesn't seem too bright; he may just be stupid enough to try something."

"Oh, yeah, I don't run directly into a hostage situation and try to find a way to sneak out safely, meanwhile you scramble around trying to salvage a botched bank heist, but I'm the stupid one, okay" Magnus sassed rolling his eyes slightly

Now most of the hostages were staring at him, a few backing away just a bit

The robber gave a bit of a laugh, shaking his head slightly

"See? Watch him. Any trouble with the rest?"

The other robber shook his head, rather nervously

"No, no trouble, they're all cooperating"

"Good, the negotiator is spinning his wheels, trying to come up with all my demands, may still be a while."

He turned to the group of hostages staring them down

"Everyone, just keep cooperating and it will be okay, if not, well, then it really won't be. I don't particularly want to hurt you, but I really  have no problem with it if it comes to that. Keep each other in line, if even ONE of you cause a problem, all of you will pay for it, got it?"

Magnus could tell he wasn't bluffing; glancing around the group, most of them seemed to believe him as well.

The phone in the lobby rang

"That's the negotiator; I'm going to get back to it, see if we can't move this along a bit. Remember any trouble, all of you pay."

With that he turned and left the group.

The entire room seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief

Magnus turned to Simon as soon as the gunman was gone, hugging him tightly and pressing a quick kiss to his cheek before stepping back and looking him over, trying to see how the younger man was fairing

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