Chapter 5- Almost a Plan

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Magnus slipped quietly through the door; he'd been in this bank before, just once, but he remembered the layout. The fire exit was located on the right side and, thankfully, partially obscured from view of the front of the bank by a few fake plants. From his vantage point he could see one of the robbers; he was near the teller's window, yelling angrily into the phone, from what he could hear the man was talking to Hodge.

Magnus had overheard Hodge briefing the other officers at the scene. Had stated that the hostage situation was a mistake, the first goal of the suspects was just to get the money, something went wrong, the cops were called before they could make it out, and this was the fall back plan. He said that they would be panicked, they would make some demands, try to turn this back to their original plan, get whatever they could and get out, that they would be off balance from the mistake and that would be their downfall. He seemed completely certain that the man was just a thief, that he would be hesitant to resort to actual, physical violence unless provoked. Rather relying on scare tactics and threats if at all possible. He seemed completely confident in his assessment. That just didn't add up with what Magnus was seeing though.

Yes he was making demands, but, listening in, they were odd to Magnus.  They were overly specific and most seemed to involve things that it would take hours to get.  The robber seemed agitated, certainly acted that way, but that was just it; it seemed like an act. The robber's words and tone seemed nervous and on edge, exactly what Hodge had said he would be, practically by the book, but all of his body language stated otherwise; his movements were controlled and confident, even bordering on relaxed. This was not a man that was scrambling and making it up as he went along; Whatever the man had planned it was going exactly how it was supposed to.

There was definitely something else going on here.

Looking the man over, Magnus did a quick assessment; 6'5", fairly strong, definite military training; calm, calculating, completely remorseless. Magnus got the feeling the man had no problem using violence; it would not surprise him in the least if the man had killed in the past, and he doubted he would hesitate in this situation. A feeling of dread settled in his stomach, he had to find Simon and the other hostages, hopefully they were still okay.

He couldn't see the hostages from his vantage point. The bank had a few offices along the left side, a room near the vault, and an entire second floor for employees only.  There were just far too many places they could be... in addition, the robber clearly had a plan, he was methodical; he would of almost certainly took a head count of the hostages. It would take far too long to search the entire bank, and he would almost certainly be spotted. If he was caught sneaking around he had very little doubt that the robber wouldn't think twice about shooting him. He was going to be found, it was just a matter of time, and the quickest way to find the hostages, much as he hated the thought, was for the robber to find him and place him with the other's himself.

He was beginning to have an inkling of a plan; it was crazy, and absurdly risky and if Raphael knew it he'd probably completely panic, he didn't even want to imagine what Alec would think, but it was the best option he had.

Looking to his right he saw a washroom, he ducked down so the gunman wouldn't see him, and slipped quietly through the door

He glanced at his reflection. Out of the small pouch with his lock picks he pulled out a black eyeliner and a small tube of tinted, shimmery lip-gloss.

He quickly added the liner, Smudged it just enough for effect. He added the gloss to his lips then put just a bit on his cheekbones to highlight.

Lastly he reached up, rubbing his hand through his hair so it looked mussed.

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