Chapter Seven - Tears

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【3rd Person's POV】

School went by as if time had slowed down by a million. (Y/N) had requested his presence, why him out of all people? Cuphead couldn't put the facts together, why would she want him to come to visit her when he was the one that put her there in the first place? The school bell had interrupted his thoughts yet again. 

He was thinking about her all day, no matter how much he tried she was always on his mind. He barely thought about all the students (his friends included) that had avoided him all day.

After the school bell had chimed, students slowly exited the classroom gossiping amongst themselves. Cuphead didn't know what they were gossiping about, though he had a feeling it was about him. He slowly stood from his chair, looking down at the beige tiled floor to avoid any communication with others.

 He had put his gloved hands in his pockets and was the last to leave the classroom. Once he left, others had started to look at him as they whispered to each other. He knew it - they were talking about him.

Cuphead was okay with it though, he deserved it. After what he had done, he couldn't expect any less. He had gotten depressed ever since that day. His sins had kept chomping away from him as if the immense guilt wasn't enough. 

Crying himself to sleep wasn't unusual ever since that day, those painful memories were unbearable. To think that day he had intended to apologize to her, only to send her to the fucking hospital instead. What he had done was completely unforgivable.

The end of school, seven more hours until he could visit her.

He thought the guilt he felt when he saw her break down was painful, but it was nothing in comparison to what he felt now. He felt so wrong, the girl he had injured wanted to see him. He just wanted to shoot himself right then and there on school grounds, but he couldn't. He had to fulfil (Y/N)'s wishes to see him, so off he went to the hospital.


He gently knocked on the door to room 207 and awaited a response from the other side. He eventually heard a gentle but weak voice.

"Come in." He heard. He slowly slid the metallic white door open, greeted with a frail figure sitting straight on the bed. She had an unfinished meal to her left, and a heart monitor to her right. He could tell it was slightly slower than a normal toon heart rate.

Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump went the heart rate monitor.

"Oh, Cuphead." She said with grey, dull eyes.

"H-hey, (Y/N). Did you want me to visit you?" Cuphead stuttered, he mentally cursed for that.

"Yes, I did. Could I talk to you for a moment?" She replied.

Cuphead slowly walked over to her hospital bed, and sat on a stool. It wasn't the first time he had visited her, but that was when she was unconscious. When she didn't know his presence. Now, she was alive. There. Watching him, gazing into his blood red eyes.

"Sure." He said, awkwardly looking at the floor.

(Y/N) looked down at her bed with a pained smile, then sighed.

"Why did you do that?" She asked, which struck Cuphead at full force.

He wondered why he didn't see that coming.

"I... I felt raged and angry."


"Well. The night I left you after you taught me how to wrap my bandages, Felix and Oswald were waiting for me in my dormitory. They said I would lose them, my popularity, my dignity, really. Everything, for you."

"They did that?" (Y/N) asked, as Cuphead nodded in shame.

"Yeah. If I didn't want to lose my everything, I would have to continue what I did."

"Hurt me?" Cuphead nodded shamefully to (Y/N)'s query.

"I chose an option that wasn't even given to me by them. The worst, possible option ever. I hurt you, I sent you to the hospital. Blood was e-everywhere, because of my actions." Cuphead said as tears streamed down his face.

"Because of me, you're here! You cry, you're hurt, you're scared, you're bullied, your injured because of me! So why, why did you want me to come here!" Cuphead yelled as hot tears rolled down his face.

(Y/N) hugged Cuphead in an attempt to comfort him, the guilt he felt must be eating him alive right now.

"It's ok-" (Y/N) said, before she was cut off.

"No, no no no! It's not 'okay'! I-I hurt you, bully you, tease you, abuse you, yet you helped m-me. You treated my wounds, helped me in the rain, taught me how to wrap my bandages. After all, I-I've done, why! You try to ask me how I was doing, and I send you to the h-hospital! I've probably caused you so much pain, why do you want to see me, why!" Cuphead cried, burying his face in his hands.

(Y/N) gently pat him on the back, as Cuphead wept on her shoulder.

"Why, (Y/N). After all, I've done, I deserve worst."

"No, you don't. It's ok." (Y/N) said,






"I forgive you."

Cuphead cried himself to sleep as she cradled him. (Y/N) pitied the boy, yet she pitied herself more. A part of her still wanted to release all her anger out on him, what he had done was unforgivable. Though, what she had said wasn't a lie. Of course, (Y/N) had hated him with every fibre of her being before that incident. She didn't exactly want to help him. She didn't exactly want to treat him.

Yet, she did it anyway. She had to.

Despite her being known as an emotionless rag-doll, she had a heart. Plus, emotionless dolls don't cry. She wasn't who she thought she was. She cries. Just like Cuphead who had just fallen asleep in her arms. His face was stained with tears like her's every night.

After all, he's done to her, she still finds a reason within to forgive him. Majority of the pain was caused by him, yet she still forgave him. Even after all the traumatizing experiences, she's gone through because of him, she still forgave.

She teared up before she was drawn to sleep right then and there as she embraced Cuphead in a warm hug, a frown on her face.

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