Chapter Thirteen - Cute

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【Cuphead's POV】

My eyes widened in shock the cat toon standing before me, gazing into my crimson red eyes. I looked back at her (E/C) orbs, yet her eyes held forgiveness. Did she? I couldn't tell. What I could see was that they weren't mad, surprisingly. "Y-you're back from t-the hospital?" I asked, trying to remain calm.

Last time I saw her, well, I sent her to the hospital. I don't want to make the same mistake. "Yeah, I didn't like being cooped up in that white room much." She chuckled, but I could feel the tension growing between us.

"Welcome back to school, I guess. I see you're feeling better right?" I said, though I was pretty sure (Y/N) noticed my stress and nervousness by the tone of my voice and my expression. My eyes were darting everywhere but her eyes, it was just so awkward.

Well, I'm pretty sure it was awkwardness.

I sent her to the hospital, cried while she awkwardly comforted me, and now I have to make a normal conversation with her?

For fuck's sake, I couldn't even look at her eyes properly.

I snapped out of my thoughts - well, more like waved - when (Y/N) waved her paw in my face to get my attention. "Cuphead, you were zoning out while staring at my hair. It's kind of awkward." She stared, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

She was probably right, but did I really zone out while looking at her hair?

I mean, I would really like to touch her hair but-

"Cuphead you're staring at my chest."

"Ah shit, I didn't mean to I'm so sorry!"

My face flushed a bright red hue, as I heard the other students chuckling at my stupidity - to them I probably looked like such a perverted guy.

"I was just thinking about something." I added.

She shrugged, "I guess I can understand that you didn't mean to stare at me. Oh well, history class is about to start and just in case you forgot, we're in the same class." She reminded me.

I nearly thought we weren't in school, just me and her alone conversing together with an awkward tension practically pushing us apart from each other.

"You're right we should go." I said, watching as the students slowly left the scene, making us a path to the history hall.

"Thought you didn't care about grades and that you always skipped classes, Cuphead." She mocked me!

Even though my embarrassed tomato-red blush disappeared not too long ago, it returned.

"I-I do! Sometimes." I said, looking away in slight shame.

I didn't usually feel ashamed when I skipped classes, but things have changed. I'm not complaining though.

Sometimes, sometimes it felt nice to have a somewhat friendly conversation with a nice cute girl once in a while.

Wait, did I just call her cute?


(A/N: finally some sort of 'romance' in this book after twelve chapters!)


Once we arrived at history class, we were (surprisingly) not late. Mr. Harvey, glanced at me, then at (Y/N) with an amused expression. He raised one eyebrow.

"You are.... You are not late, Cuphead. For the first time these seven months, you aren't late. What a shocker." He glanced at (Y/N) before locking eye contact with me again. "I'm guessing (Y/N) forced you to come here?"

I was about to insult Mr. Harvey until (Y/N) spoke up. "No, actually. I didn't force Cuphead to arrive on time, I merely reminded him and somehow managed to convince him to come with me to class." She said with a blank yet satisfied expression.

This time, Mr. Harvey looked genuinely surprised. A little more than before.

"How strange. (Y/N), I'm trusting you to make this a habit for Cuphead."

He shot me a glare.

"And you, Cuphead, keep up the good work. Or rather, your failing efforts."

You little piece of shi-

"Anyways, go sit down you two. But, I think I'll have to make some seating plan changes. As (Y/N) was able to make you arrive to class on time, I think making you both sit together would make you focus, Cuphead! There's a text right after prom, and you don't want to fail, don't you?" Mr Harvey said, before shooing away (Y/N)'s old table partner to sit in Cuphead's previous seat.

(Y/N) nodded in agreement, and some students started to gossip. Typical students, talking about quite literally anything that plays out before their eyes. Even if it's barely interesting news.

She took my hand (A/N: cliche much) and dragged me to her desk. I felt my face heat up, and more students began talking. Quickly avoiding eye contact with everyone, we reached her table and I sat down next to her.

"Take out your books, Cuphead. We need them, you were zoning out again." I heard her say in a quiet tone to avoid catching the teacher's attention. But no, I didn't listen. I didn't want to take out my books, I didn't want to listen to his boring ass lecture.


She sighed, before she shot me there pleading, wide eyes. "Would you do it for me?" She asked with a cute frown.

Fuck, I used that word again!

And I couldn't deny those pleading eyes that sparkled with hope.

"F-Fine..." I managed to stutter out, slowly reaching into my bag and taking out the books I needed. Surprisingly, they were actually in there.

She wore a closed-eye smile, before winking playfully. It didn't look like a romantic flirty wink, just a playful wink a friend would sent to another.

Friend, something about me didn't like that word.

Probably because I used to be her bully.

"Thanks." She said, before she gazed back at the whiteboard where Mr Harvey was writing more random bullshit I couldn't be bothered to take note of.

The way she actually listened to the boring old lecture with mild interest and concentration was so cute!





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