Chapter Eight - Hopeful Apologies

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【3rd Person's POV】

Cuphead woke up in his bed. He explored his surroundings, he was back in his dormitory. The beige walls, the wooden bed, oh how familiar it was to him. His roommate was absent, probably went to school early again. He glanced at his digital alarm clock, ' 7:10 AM' it read. School started at eight thirty, so he had plenty of time. Since he had already made the decision to return to school, he couldn't stay in his dorm anymore.

He leapt out of his cyan-blue bed, then walked off to the washroom. As he brushed his teeth, he thought about last night. He couldn't remember much, only falling asleep in something warm and soft lingered through his thoughts. After he got ready with his uniform and coat on, he looked in the mirror once more.

"It'll be fine."

Nothing wrong with some morning motivation.


Cuphead sighed. He could hear the murmurs through the crowd, did they really believe he was that oblivious?! He could hear them. The rumours had already been spread.

"I heard Cuphead would get sent to a mental asylum soon!"

He could only hope people wouldn't think he needed to go there.

"People say his parents are planning to disown him for what he did!"

He could only hope they wouldn't.

"I thought he was going to jail!"

He could only hope the police wouldn't consider it.

"I heard..."

"I thought..."

"People say..."

"I overheard..."

Rumours were flying everywhere, people whispering, gossiping, even some fingers were shot towards him. However, Cuphead didn't care. He expected it all of it, he deserved all of it. As he pushed himself through the bustling crowd, he finally made it to his classroom. It was science, and he sat next to his 'friend' - could he even call him a friend anymore?

He didn't want to sit next to Oswald, the tension would be so thick it would be suffocating. But, he couldn't move seats. Therefore, he would just have to bear with it. As he sat down, students started pouring in through the doors. Eventually came in Oswald, and Cuphead braced himself for what was about to come for him.

Guilt, his worst enemy, was chomping away at him again. His heart ached, it was breaking apart. Could you even call it a heart anymore? It was practically a pile of red dust.

Oswald took a seat next to Cuphead. They both avoided eye contact and waited for the lesson to begin. The teacher was running late, again. Cuphead's stoic and depressing face remained too.

Oswald looked down at the black marble table, before nudging Cuphead on his arm. He would apologize. Felix and he would take the blame they deserved, it wasn't poor Cuphead that should feel guilty. It was them. Felix and Oswald, the cause of this mess.

You see when Cuphead disappeared rumours started spreading like wildfire. He and Felix felt guilt, what they had said to Cuphead was disgusting. Wrong. They felt to greedy and betrayed at the time, and it wasn't them that paid the price. It was Cuphead and (Y/N).

She had to go through pain for their actions, and Cuphead suffered under guilt's grasp. Cuphead blamed himself, whilst it was Felix and his.

It was time they said sorry.

"H-hey, Cuphead?" Oswald asked.

Cuphead turned to Oswald. "I don't want to hear it, Oswald,' he stated, monotone.

"Please." The bunny pleaded, "It's important."

"I already know what you're going to say. I'm a monster, Ozz. I get it."

The fact that Cuphead used Oswald's nickname made his heart ache even more than it already did. It reminded him of their relationship and how they met and how they bonded.

Oh, the memories. Those sweet memories.

The soccer match was over, the blue team had won. The final goal was shot by Cuphead, the best soccer player of the school. Oswald stood by the side and looked at him with envy - why couldn't he be as good of a player as him? Everyone in the school admired him for his skills, complimenting him as Oswald just stared with jealousy.

Cuphead walked up to the boy, "hey, you're Oswald, right?" He said.

"Yes, what do you want?" He stated rudely, slightly glaring at Cuphead.

"I think you played pretty well!" Cuphead said with a smile. Oswald was once again bewildered, he so rudely talked to him only to receive a compliment.

"I-I did?" Oswald said in slight shock.

"Yeah! It's a shame that you lost, but it was a good game!" Cuphead said, pure sportsmanship.

"Yeah, it was a good game. I enjoyed it." Oswald replied, smiling.

"It was fun! Hey, are you free after school?" Cuphead asked.

"Uh, no. Why?" The bunny asked with curiosity.

"You want to play soccer after school?" Cuphead asked.

"R-really?!" Oswald asked with excitement.

"Totally! It would be awesome!" Cuphead said.

The shock was an understatement. Oswald didn't like Cuphead one bit, filled with jealousy and envy every time he laid eyes on him. Yet, when he asked him to hang out that day, he felt flattered. Thankful.

Happy to have a friend.

Yet here he was.

"You're not a monster, Cuphead. I-It was our fault for putting so much pressure on you. We're sorry, we're really really sorry." Oswald truthfully said.

"It wasn't you who sent (Y/N) to the hospital," Cuphead said bluntly.

"It was, please, Cuphead. Stop blaming yourself. I know I'm probably not the best at apologizing, but please know I'm really fucking sorry. Felix and I are really, really sorry. We just felt so betrayed." He said, looking down.

He wanted to cry.

Cuphead did too.

"Don't feel sorry, Ozz. It was my fault as well. It was our fault." Cuphead said.

"You could say that. We really fucked up, didn't we?" Oswald said with a small smile.


They both chuckled, until...

"YOU BOTH! QUIT CHATTING IN CLASS! DETENTION!" Mr Fair screamed, causing the entire class to stare at them.

Cuphead and Oswald looked at the teacher, but soon turned to face each other and chuckled.

The teacher screamed and the students muttered amongst themselves, but it was as if the two boys could only hear their laughter.

The tension was gone.

The happiness was back.

The memories returned.

Sweet old memories.

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