Chapter Nine - Talks

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Oswald and Cuphead exited the principal's office, chuckling. With the tension gone and friends forgiven, things were a little easier. Passing through the bustling crowd, Cuphead felt as if the murmurs amongst the people were gone with the tension that once flooded the air.

"It's good to have you back, Cup," Oswald said as he wore a small but friendly smile.

"I agree. By the way, does Felix feel the same way you do?" Cuphead asked as they both stopped at Cuphead's locker.

"Yeah, he does. When you were gone for literally three entire weeks, Felix and I talked it out. Once again, we're really sorry." Oswald said.

"Don't be, it was my fault as well." Cuphead said, "speaking of which, where is Felix?"

"He feels really bad for what he said in your dormitory that day, and decided to take a break from school," Oswald said.

"He's been gone longer than me?"

"No, but eventually when the guilt struck him in the heart he broke down in class and stayed home," Oswald said.


The awkward silence sparked once again at the mention of Felix breaking down in school, his tough reputation must have fallen.

"Oh well, Felix needs his time. You forgive him too, don't you Cup?" Oswald asked as Cuphead nodded in return.

"All of us regret what we've done."


Oswald and Cuphead sat on the table in the middle of the cafeteria. People still stared and murmured amongst themselves, and although Cuphead was trying to block them out, he was failing ever so slightly. Oswald noticed this.

"Cup, don't listen to them. You're not a murder." Oswald said, in an attempt to comfort his best friend.

Cuphead poked at his food, "I don't know anymore. The school thinks I'm a monster now."

"It's okay, Cup! I forgive you, and I'm sure Felix does as well." Oswald said.

"Thanks, Ozz." Cuphead smiled, "but do you think anyone else would forgive me?"

"I'm sure they will."

"What about (Y/N)?"

"You visited her, didn't you?"

"I did and she said she forgave me, but I really don't think she does. Look at what I-I've done to her, Ozz!"

Oswald gave Cuphead a comforting pat on the back, "don't tear up. Please."

Cuphead wiped away the little tears at the corners of his eyes.

"I'm sorry." Cuphead said, "it's fine." Oswald replied.

"You're still not hungry?" The bunny asked his friend.

"Not really. The guilt stole my appetite and is eating away at me now." Cuphead spoke.

Oswald gave Cuphead a hug.

"Just shut up and eat."



Cuphead blushed in embarrassment, "shit! I forgot to mute my phone!" He cursed. He should have muted it at lunch.

His eyes widened as he saw the caller, it was the hospital.

"'s the hospital," Cuphead muttered under his breath. The teacher heard him.

"Cuphead, you're dismissed. Answer the hospital." Mr Harvey said.

Students stared at him in anticipation as Cuphead left the room.

"Is the hospital calling him to tell him (Y/N) died?!" A student gasped.

"Nah, I bet they're going to tell him he's arrested or something!"

"They're going to tell him (Y/N)'s parents will scold him, for sure!"

"SILENCE!" Mr Harvey screamed, face fuming with anger.

"Cuphead deserves privacy. Back to my lecture."


"Hello?" Cuphead answered, selecting the 'accept' button on his smart-phone.

"I believe this is Cuphead, is it not?" A feminine and sweet voice asked.

"Yeah, this is Cuphead speaking," Cuphead said, walking down the naked locker hall.

Some static was heard from the other end, faint talking was caught as well.







"I apologize for the holdup, there were slight technical difficulties."

"It's quite alright, ma'am. Is there something you need to tell me?"

Cuphead awaited her answer anxiously. Was it bad news? Good news?

"Yes, sir. (Y/N) (L/N) was officially deported from the hospital. It is unknown when she will return to school, but her health is now back to normal."

Cuphead dropped his phone.

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