Chapter Fourteen - Questions

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【Cuphead's POV】

As I clearly wasn't very focused or interested in Mr. Harvey's lecture whatsoever, I thought about March 10th, the day of prom. Apparently, it wasn't like last year and it was mandatory that you bring a partner. If you didn't, you would just have to stay in your dorm and study.

I always decided to go with my friends, because I never really felt any connection or special feeling of sort when other girls (some guys even) would ask me out to prom. I have denied all promposals in my lifetime, and this year wouldn't be different. If dates were mandatory, I could already see the bundle of girls in a line to ask me out. Those fangirls look like where were struck by love at first glance - sigh.

Hopeless romantics.

The number of toons that would prompose to me would probably be increased this year, and I certainly didn't need to listen in class to know that. Such a shame, the food there was amazing. So was the punch.

But, if I had to bring a 'special someone' in order to enter, then no. I don't want to go out with anyone.

Do I?

I felt a light nudge on my shoulder, then turned to face (Y/N). "What is it?" I asked, but prom was still a thought swimming in my mind.

"Class is over. I don't know what you have but you better get going or else you'll be late again." She said.

She stood up from her chair with her bag around her shoulder, a blank and annoyed expression on her face. "Stop zoning out, won't you? Do you really like staring at girls for thirty minutes straight?" She said, a small smirk forming on her face.

"No! (Y/N), what the fuck!" I said, sending her a slight glare as I picked up my bag.

She chuckled, as I carried my bag. We both left the classroom. "See you later, I guess." (Y/N) said with a smile, before leaving me to stand outside the classroom.

I turned around and decided to head to my class too, with Oswald and Felix. Though, I don't know if he came back to school yet. It would be such a coincidence if Felix and (Y/N) returned to school at the same time.

As I entered the classroom, I sat in my normal spot. Next to Oswald, though he hadn't arrived yet. The thought of prom still lingered in my mind, too. I mentally complained at the school's sudden requirement for prom, a date. Could I go with Oswald or Felix and pretend I'm gay and going as a couple?

No! That's wrong on so many levels! Not that I discriminate the gay community, but me and Oswald aren't like that. Plus, this is Golden Sierra High. Nearly every student is a gossiper. I'd be labeled as a gay discriminator or Oswald and I will become the school's top OTP.

I cringed at the thought. A part of me desperately wants to go to prom, it's practically begging me to find a partner. But, for what? For the food?

Oh, nevermind. The thoughts consuming my mind was nearly blinding my vision. I was still able to recognize Oswald as he entered the room. With Felix too! Such a coincidence.

"Felix! You're back!" Cuphead said with a toothy smile. He awkwardly smiled back. "Hey Cuphead..." Felix replied his eyes not meeting mine. "Is something wrong?" I asked with concern.

"You're not mad at me, are you? For what I did?" I quickly shook my head.

"Felix, I've forgiven you already. It's entirely my fault anyways, my emotions just overwhelmed me." I said, trying to wear a warm smile.

Oswald coughed at me. Right, the 'we all regret what we've done' thing.

"Well, we all regret what we've done I guess."

"Thanks Cuphead, and you're right. The past is the past, let's go back to being best bros." He flashed me a smile, and I returned it.

"By the way, you guys know about prom don't you?" I asked, resting my hands on the table. I barely even noticed the teacher walk in. He wasn't exactly a teacher what was devoted to teach their students, he probably just told us to do some homework he sent us.

"No, no not really. I haven't been checking my email recently." Felix replied, "why?"

"Oh, well the school made some silly-ass changes and now it's mandatory that you bring a partner. No free punch and food for us, for me anyways." I said, sighing.

"Cup, you get millions of fangirls asking you out to prom every year. Shut up." Felix replied in annoyance.

"You get so much more than me and Ozz."

I cringed at the thought of those hopeless, slutty desperate girls. "Disgusting. They act so bitchy and 'sexy' to the point where it's just cringe all the way (A/N: like this book). You don't expect me to accept them, do you?" I stated with common sense.

"Don't know, if you want free food you'll need to pay a heavy price." Felix said.

"That means it's not free food."


I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. Felix and I turned around to face Oswald.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys from talking about fangirls or whatever," he rolled his eyes, "but are you guys planning to go to prom or not?"

"I don't know. Maybe if a less slutty, bitchy and flirty girl asked me out I might accept?" I answered.

"I agree with Cuphead. But, there is a possibility I might ask someone out." Felix replied.

"Who?" Oswald and I asked simultaneously. "That's the thing, I don't know!"

I was about to reply with 'same' until Oswald spoke up first. "I think I know who Cuphead going with." My eyes widened with confusion and embarrassment as a smirk grew on his face. It looked similar to (Y/N)'s smirk, but more evil and mischievous.

Damn, why is she always brought up in my thoughts, somehow?

Felix stared at Oswald with desperation in his eyes. "Who?" He asked with interest.

"Oswald don't yo-!" I said, before the words had already left his mouth.

"He's going to ask (Y/N)!"

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