Chapter Twenty-Two - Oblivious

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There Fanny stood, bewildered about what (Y/N) had just done. Her little minions stood behind her, ready to run in fear of their gowns to be ruined. "W. . . What have you just done?!" she said, soaking with the dripping brown salty liquid.

(Y/N) only smirked in response as she backed away from the now brown-coated figure and leaned against the food table. Laughter erupted from the crowd as Fanny's face grew red with embarrassment and anger. Fur dripping with sauce, tears formed in her eyes as she fled the scene with her friends.

"YOU'LL REGRET MESSING WITH ME! I WILL GET BACK AT YOU ONE DAY, (Y/N)!" she screamed, on the verge of angry tears, voice cracking. (Y/N) felt so accomplished of herself - she had finally gotten revenge. As the crowd dissipated, she snatched herself a little fruit tart and began munching on it, deep in thought.

And who said revenge didn't taste sweet, she thought to herself. Almost sweeter than her fruit tart. 


The crowd had cheered at her confidence, which was certainly unexpected to (Y/N). She thought they would boo her for ruining the popular girl's dress, but no; they cheered for her.

Although she knew that somehow her depression would bring her down eventually, she knew to enjoy moments like this. Moments where she had the courage to bite back and stand up for herself, which were quite rare.

Maybe. . . Maybe she wouldn't feel so alone from now on.

Cuphead was there for her, and maybe she could find herself some friends.


Meanwhile, way before the fight had unofficially finished. . .

Cuphead and Oswald to find Felix, a conversation was held between both of them. "Hey Ozz, was Felix with you when you arrived at prom?" Cuphead asked as he searched for his feline friend.

"Yeah, but well; Felix isn't actually missing."

"You know where he is? Well, why didn't you tell me?"

"We just planned this to lure you away from (Y/N). Look, Felix is right there."

Oswald motioned for Cuphead to look to his right, and he could faintly see his furry cat friends standing in a corner, holding a cup of grape punch.

"Ozz, Cup. You finally arrived, eh? I've been waiting here forever. Seriously, does it take that long to bring a girl to the gym?" He said with an impatient and annoyed expression.

"Listen, I had to go all the way to the mall to buy a fucking dress because Fanny ruined the one (Y/N) was originally supposed to wear. That's what she claimed, anyways." Cuphead retorted, glaring at Felix.

"Damn, never thought you would be so gentlemanly."

"Shut the fuck up, will you? Why am I here anyways, here to give me some cheesy-ass pickup lines that I will never use?" He said, groaning in annoyance.

"No actually," Felix said as he walked a little closer to both of them, "we were originally supposed to tell you something."

"Well, what are you waiting for? It better be important, or else!" He angrily responded, waiting for the news.

"Well, you see; before you arrived here with (Y/N), Oswald and I overheard Fanny talking with her girls. We weren't able to make out her exact words, but we were able to pick up that they were planning to make this party a living hell for. . . someone." Felix explained.

"We weren't quite sure who, but Felix and I think that their little target is your prom date - (Y/N). Like, think about it, dude. You know how she's madly in love with you and shit, to be honest, Fanny's a tryhard desperate slutty whore who only wears revealing clothing to show off her non-existent curves. And well, since you asked (Y/N) to prom very publicly in front of everyone in the locker halls, she probably got hella jealous." Oswald finished as he looked at Cuphead with a serious yet worrying expression.

"Wait a minute, if it's about (Y/N), then why did you tell me?" Cuphead asked with a look of confusion clouding his orbs as he eyed both his close friends.

"Well, we were hoping that you would te2ll her. Ozz and I don't exactly want to tell (Y/N) 'hey we think that Fanny might make this party a living hell for you tonight' so we're leaving it up to you." Felix confessed, awkwardly avoiding eye contact for a while.

Cuphead glared at Felix, clearly annoyed at his confession. "Gee thanks. Have you ever thought that I don't want to tell her that either, you pricks?" Cuphead said, eye twitching in pure annoyance.

"Hey! Don't blame us, be thankful we told you about what could possibly happen to your girlfriend!"

"She is not my girlfriend!"

"Totally is!"

"Is not!"

As Oswald continued to tease Cuphead who was in obvious denial of his true feelings, Felix glanced over at the food table where he expected the (F/A) cartoon would stand, happily enjoying herself.

To put it straight, he was wrong. Oh so wrong.

"Shit." he muttered under his breath, well knowing about what was probably happening at this very moment. He fearfully looked around for (Y/N), and found her in a fight with Fanny. Students crowded around them, it seems extremely intense. The only words which flooded his mind were fuck.

"SHIT!" Felix yelled, scrambling to his friends to break them up. "GUYS, HOLY FUCKING GUACAMOLE! LISTEN!"

Oswald and Cuphead refused to acknowledge Felix, continuing to argue about pointless shenanigans. He angrily grunted, before shoving himself in between both and forcefully pushed them apart.

"(Y/N) is literally right there, fighting with Fanny!"

"She's what?!"

"Yeah! She is right there and-!"

The words couldn't even escape Felix's mouth when all three turned to face the once intense roast battle between (Y/N) and Fanny. There the bitch stood, dripping wet with soy-sauce. An enraged expression crossed Fanny's face, before yelling something at (Y/N) then fleeing the scene.

The crowd cheered at the prideful girl who had just avenged her previous prom dress, by doing the exact thing to Fanny. Of course, everyone didn't know that, but after Cuphead had just told them why he was late - they knew now.

"Looks like Karma just slapped Fanny, huh?" Oswald said, eyeing the scene.

Cuphead's expression was a combination of fear and pride. One, that (Y/N) had just gotten into the most intense fight with Fanny and they were too busy arguing to realize her situation. Two, that she had just won by sabotaging her dress!

Still, Cuphead was worried sick.

"(Y/N)!" He quickly yelled, rushing to her as she munched on a fruit tart peacefully; as if absolutely nothing had happened.

Oswald and Felix simultaneously chucked at their fleeting friend.

"Man. He's totally lovestruck with her. Honestly, I ship it."

"Poor little lover-boy, am I right?" The rabbit laughed, before fist-bumping Felix.

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