Chapter 4 - Meeting Gone Wrong

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Chapter 4 - Meeting Gone Wrong

Rick Castle's POV

When she put her hand on my chin the strange electricity thing was there again. She made me look up at her and I met her hazel eyes again.

"It's ok" she said with a smile and suddenly someone knocked on the door.

I quickly jumped up from the couch and remembered were I put the gun last. I was surprised she had acted the same way as me but didn't think twice about it. All that was for my interest right in that moment was who was at the door. Maybe someone from another agency had come to kill me and if that's it, what would happen to this innocent woman in my loft? Kate was in front of me and I made a decision.

"Uhm, Kate" why was I so unsure how to talk to this woman? "could you do me a favor and go to my bedroom, just until I know who's out the door. Don't worry, I'm neither married or have a girlfriend" I added when I saw her look.

She nodded but there was still a weird familiar tension in her body. She had stiffened the moment that knock appeared. I watched her as she walked into my bedroom and I could see her glance at the door every now and then. I secretly and quietly took out my gun from under the couch, yes I know it's a weird place to put it but, hey, no one is expecting it, and I put it under my shirt where I could easily grab it in case it was someone who shouldn't be here. The person knocked again and I went to the door. I looked through the loophole and saw a dark haired woman on the other side, she had a concerned look. I opened the door with a sigh of relief.

"Hey Lanie, sorry I didn't answer sooner, I had some things to do first" I said and let her inside.

"Hi, where's Kate?" she asked and as I turned Kate came into the room.

"Lanie! What the hell happened last night?" I could hear Kate half-scream half-whisper.

"You were drunk" Lanie said and blinked.

I went towards the kitchen to make more coffee. I bet kate's head must hurt like hell, I didn't get to drink that much so I didn't have a headache at all.

"Stop it" Kate said and I turned to look at the women.

Apperently there had been some unspeaking conversation I didn't have anything to do with so I went back to making coffee.

"So, did you find your other friend last night?" I asked Lanie.

"You lost Jenny?" Kate asked surprised.

I looked at them and was trying not to laugh, it was amusing to see their conversation. Kate seemed like a whole other person in her friend's presence.

"Yeah, you wandered off and when I looked for you Jenny was gone too. Since I knew you were drunk and Jenny could take care of herself I went after you" Lanie said and Kate looked at her friend with a distrustful look.

"I can take care of myself" I heard Kate mumble.

"I'm not so sure about that.You wandered off and ended up falling into him and his friends on a couch" Lanie said and pointed at me.

I didn't know what to do so I did nothing, I just stood there and tried too keep up with their conversation.

"You need to stop doing that" Lanie said and I could immediately hear the concern in her voice.

"I'm fine" Kate said but even I who didn't know her could hear the lie miles away.

"No, you need to quit that job, it's destroying you and if you're not careful you'll end up like your mother" Lanie said and Kate gasped.

I could see the tears in Kate's eyes before she quickly put on her poker face and went towards my bedroom again.

"No, Kate... you know I didn't mean it like that" Lanie said and she stroke her hand on Kate's arm before Kate pulled away.

"I think you should leave" Kate said cold as ice.

When Kate closed my bedroom door I looked at Lanie in shock. What the hell did just happen?

"I'm sorry, oh god" Lanie said and put her head in her hands.

I went towards her and stroke her arm as calmly as I could. I honestly didn't know what else to do.

"I should go, she won't talk to me more today anyway. She's determind like that" Lanie said and looked up at me with a small smile. "Please take care of her, and don't let her do anything stupid when she's mad or sad" Lanie said and I shook my head.

"I won't let anything happen to her" I promised and Lanie walked out the door.

I just stood there. In the middle of the room. I didn't know if I should stay out here or go into my bedroom. Maybe Kate wanted to be left alone and yet it felt like I had to go and see how she was doing. I took up my phone and looked at my recent calls. Oh, that's right. I got a new mission yesterday. Well, screw that. The girl in my loft needed someone.

I went to my bedroom door and knocked on it lightly before I opened it. I looked inside and I saw Kate sit on my bed, her face in her hands and by the feeling in the room I could tell she had been crying. I went towards her and sat down beside her.

"Heey" I said as soft as I could possibly do.

She looked up at me and she tried to smile, she would really do her best to seem like she was fine. It didn't feel right, like there was some kind of big secret that tore her apart. Something that I wasn't allowed to know, at least not yet.

"Hey" she whispered with a broken voice.

I did just what I felt like doing. I embraced her, took her in my arms and hugged her tight. I felt the tense first but slowly she relaxed into my arms. It didn't feel like she was used to be hugged, or maybe it was just because I was some guy she just met but I got that feeling from her. The feeling she wasn't used to be around much people, or at least that she wasn't used to be the one in center. Slowly her head tilted against my shoulder, probably because she started to feel more comfortable.

"You want to talk about it?" I asked carefully and I felt her head shake.

She mumbled a "no" and I left the conversation there. After a few more minutes of silence she started to pull back and I let her.

"I should probably go, I guess you have things to do and I... I have things too" she said and I shook my head.

"I have the day off, why don't you stay and we could... watch a movie" I suggested.

I lied, I was supposed to start on the mission today, I was supposed to check up that Beckett person and then try to find her. But I didn't felt like doing it, plus I wanted to get to know Kate so much more. I met her eyes and I wiped away the tears on her cheeks.

"I'd like that" she said and a smile appeared in her beautiful face.


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