Chapter 36 - Shit Happens

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Chapter 36 - Shit Happens

Kate Beckett's POV

I looked around at the people around us. How were we supposed to make it out of this alive and still not getting their bloods on our hands? I didn't want them to get hurt, not because of us! Why did we agree to go to this stupid barbecue anyway? We were trying to keep a low profile! What were we thinking?!

"What's going on?" Laila asked and when I looked at her I could see that the look on my face was clear.

Her eyes got a glimpse of fear and I couldn't blame her. I didn't know what to say or what to do. Rick stood in front of me in between the threat and me. I had recognized the voice instantly. It was Cole Burke, the guy who had stood outside my apartment that day we were going to get my clothes from my apartment before we got to the airport.

"Burke, let's take this someplace else ok?" I shouted as calm as I possibly could.

"Not a chance Beckett, you betrayed us, you didn't follow your mission... and you know what happens to people who messes up with the mission" Burke's voice shouted.

"Mom, what's going on?" Jack asked and I looked at him with worry.

Dalia just looked at her son with a confused face and shrugged. I caught Viola's attention and pointed to all of them and then pointed at the house, hoping she would get my message. To my relief she did and so did all the other grown-ups who had seen me pointing. They all started moving towards the house as quietly as they could while me and Rick stayed right where we were.

"I'm sorry" I whispered under my breath.

Rick caught my eyes and took my hand, squeezing it calmly.

"How about you two surrender? And we won't mess up this beautiful garden, ey?" Burke asked cocky.

"How about no?" Rick breathed and looked back towards the paling.

I didn't have my gun with me, and I was sure neither did Rick. Burke quickly glanced up from behind the paling and when he saw none of us had guns up he jumped over it and walked towards us with his own gun pointed at us. When he was in front of us he stopped, he was far away enough for us not to reach him or his gun. Rick moved even more in from of me and I tried to pull him back but he was determined not to let me be in between the crosshairs.

"How could you betray us, Beckett? I thought you wanted to go in your mommy's footsteps" Burke mocked.

I glared at him with narrowed eyes. He had always been one of those people you never wanted to work with, way too cocky and always thought he was the best one. Even though I had beaten him in about everything, especially when it came to fighting, he still thought he was better than me and knew everything.

"But then again, you kinda are doing that.You know, when she died, her last thoughts were of you" Burke said with a smirk. "She kept going on about that you needed her and that she couldn't let you loose her" he continued and rolled his eyes.

"You...? You were the one who killed her?" I choked on my every word.

My heart started aching and I couldn't breath. Had I been working with the man who killed my mom this whole time? How could this happen? I could feel my eyes sticking and tried my hardest not to start crying.

"Oh, buhuu, why are you even sad? You're about to join her" Burke smiled evily.

I almost ran towards him to beat him but Rick's arm held me back. I had totally forgotten the gun Burke had in is hand, the only thing I could see was red. I wanted him dead. Now.

"Let me..."

"No, Kate think. See past the red, see past the revenge, I know you can do that" Rick whispered calmly towards me and took a firm grip on my hand.

I looked at him and his eyes were set on mine. His ocean blue calmed me down and I started to think reasonable again. He was right, if I had gone to attack Burke would've fired oft that gun faster than I had reached him.

"Why do they want us dead?" Rick asked and Burke laughed.

"As if you don't already know that? You are just too good at being spies, that's why" said Burke and I glared at him.

"Stooop!" a child's voice came from the house and when I looked over there it was Jack who screamed at Burke.

I quickly turned my look back at Burke and saw him looking shocked at the kid, I took my chance and quickly sprinted off the few space between us and kicked the gun out of his hand. Rick was quickly behind me and threw a punch in Burke's face. Burke stumbled backwards but quickly found his balance and stood in defence position. I had my fists up and so did the men.

"Jack, get back inside. And stay in there" I shouted calmly to the boy who I could hear gasped by the fightscene he got in front of him.

I listened carefully and heard the door close. Burke took a step and I stopped his fist from hitting me while Rick kicked him in his gut. Burke gasped and somehow manage to grab me. He put me in front of him and held his hand around my neck. His arm was tight and I was having trouble breathing. Rick was about to try get me out of his grip but was interrupted by Burke's talk.

"Nah-uh, don't even try that" he said and tightened his arm around my neck.

Rick looked at me desperately, seeing me choke. I caught his eyes and tried to signalize to him to get ready. The second he got my message I could see the glimpse of it in his eyes. I threw my head back hearing Burke's nose break and his grip loosened. I quickly broke free from him and Rick gave him one last punch which knocked him out completely.

"You okay?" Rick asked and turned to me.

I coughed and bumbed into his chest. Without any more questions he put his arms around me and hugged me tight. I breathed in his scent and let my tears slip down my cheeks, landing on his shirt.

"I can't believe he killed her" I sobbed and Rick hushed me moving his hand up and down my back.

I felt cold, but the warmth and love I got from him made the coldness slowly leave my body.

"Ok, now I think we deserve an explanation" Marco said while him, Steven and Robert came towards us.

I felt Rick sigh and he kissed the top of my head.

"Time for explanation" he whispered and I nodded.

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