Chapter 42 - Planning

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Chapter 42 - Planning

Kate Beckett's POV

It had been an awkward silence once me and Rick got out to the living room but we had tried our best to ignore it. Rick peeked out the hole of the door and then opened it. A woman appeared on the other side together with a man.

"Gates, thank you so much for this" Rick said and she snorted.

"I'm not doing it for you, I'm doing it for justice and that girl you talked about" she said and walked into the apartment to find me in the middle of the living room.

"Hi, I'm Roy Montgomery" the man said and shook his hand with Rick.

"Victoria Gates" the woman said and holding out the hand towards me.

"Kate Beckett" I said shaking her hand.

The man, Roy, walked into the apartment and shook my hand too. We walked into the kitchen and both Gates and Roy stopped in their steps.

"This is our friends, they just helped us getting here from the airport, and owns the apartment" Rick said quickly.

"Jenny, Kevin, Javi and Lanie" I said as I pointed to them in order of their seats.

We sat down all of us around the big kitchen table and me and Rick told them everything we'd learned about our bosses. We decided to storm the locations where they had their dirty gun dealing. First we needed to get there and get eyes on it first so that we knew both our bosses would be there.

"Maybe we could help" Javi said once again.

"No, we don't need you risking your lives" Rick said and I agreed.

"But I've been in the military, I can help" Javi said and Kevin cleared his throat, "and Kevin and I are cops, we can handle a gun."

"No" I said.

"Maybe it would be good to have them around, just as back-up" Roy said and we all looked at him. "If they promise to stay outside while it goes down and only comes in if we call them" he explained.

"We could help too" Lanie said and my head snapped towards her.

"Absolutely not, I love you two but no way in hell I'm gonna let you join this party" I said harshly and Lanie jumped a little in her seat from the strength in my voice.

Lanie could see the fear in my eyes and she nodded, agreeing with me.

"Fine, but call us if you need anything, anything" she stated.

I nodded. It was not going to happen but I agreed to make her happy.

"Ok, so you two stay outside, and mr Castle, Kate, you two take the north entry, me and Mongomery takes the south" Gates said and I almost started bursting out in laughter.

It sounded so funny that everytime she was talking to Rick or about him she always said 'mr Castle'.

"And when we come inside, we take down as many people as we can as quietly as we can, working our way up to Yvette and Ron" Gates continued.

"Take down as in incapacitate or eliminate?" Rick asked and we all thought about it for a minute.

"Eliminate" the four of us said and the same time.

"Maybe we should split up now and meet there? How about we meet there in..." Roy checked his watch, "four hours? Then we have time to get some sleep and to pack our stuffs."

We all nodded in agreement and we all raised from the table walking towards the door. Roy and Gates said goodbye after getting the address down and I looked at Lanie and Jenny.

"We should go too, you know where the spare key are" Lanie said and gave me a tight hug. "Don't get yourself killed ok? I want to hear from you first thing tomorrow, ok?" she whispered in my ear.

"I will, I promise" I whispered back and I could feel tears appear in my eyes.

She let go off me and Jenny replaced her.

"Good luck, don't die, we love you too much to let you go" she whispered and I could hear the lump she had in her throat.

"And I love you too" I whispered and the tears slipped down my cheeks.

"See you later bro, don't worry we'll have your back" Javi said and Kevin nodded.

We said goodbye and Rick closed the door behind them. He turned to me and I couldn't help but sob before wiping away my tears.

"Sorry, I just, I get so emotional with them" I excused and walked over to the couch.

"You don't have to apologize, it's okay to be worried" he said and followed me.

We bumped down in the couch and turned to each other.

"To be honest, I'm scared" I admitted and Rick took my hands in his.

He played with my fingers and I felt electricity shocking me with every touch.

"I know, me too" he said and then he looked up at me with puppy eyes mixed with a smirk. "Though I do know a way for us to forget it for a while" he added.

"What do... ooohh" I said and he winked. "I won't be able to after what happened with Lanie" I said and he frowned.

"I can make you forget that" he said with a proud smile.

"How?" I asked and he cupped my face.

"Maybe this" he said leaning forward and our lips touched. "Or this" he said when he pulled away and sucked my right pulse. "Or this" he said and kissed that spot between my neck and shoulder he had found before.

I felt weak and didn't want him to stop. The blood pumped faster in my veins. I couldn't help but moan when he kissed the spot again and then he kissed his way up to my lips again. He kissed me and I slowly laid down on my back, pulling him with me so he landed on top of me. Our lips moved in synchronization and soon he asked for permission. I let him in and his taste filled my mouth. His hand moved softly over my body and found it's way in under my tight shirt. The trace of his touch made me shiver and I totally forgot about the awkward moment with Lanie, together with the danger we were about to face. I had my fingers in his brown soft hair, I found it calming to touch his hair, felt like it was home. Just as his lips felt like home. Hell, his whole being made me feel like home.

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