Chapter 30 - Phone Call

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Chapter 30 - Phone Call

Kate Beckett's POV

I woke up to someone's phone ringing. I let go of a groan and opened my eyes. I was laying in bed with Rick's arms around me, my back towards him. I had held his left hand in mine during the sleep. I carefully turned in his arms and looked at him. He was still sleeping. How he could sleep through that sound was impressing but I decided not to wake him up. I carefully bended myself out of his arms and got up from the bed. I went downstairs following the sound from the phone. I found both our phones on the small table by the couch. It was Rick's phone that was ringing and I didn't know if I should answer or not. I decided to take the risk since I really, really, didn't want to wake Rick up.

"Rick Castle's phone" I said into it.

There was a silence and I didn't know whether to hang up or wait for the other person to say something.

"Who are you?" a woman voice said suprised from the other end and something with the voice told me it was an elderly woman.

"I-I'm his girlfriend, who are you?" I asked carefully.

"I'm his mother, oh, so you're the one who was going to kill him" the woman said and I felt something sting in my heart.

What if she didn't like me? What if I was always going to be known as 'the one who was going to kill her son'?

"Oh, chill out kiddo, I can hear your breathing accelerate all the way over here. I'm Martha, Alexis told me all about it even though I heard she was told to leave you out of it" the woman said with a light voice. "Katherine, right? Could you put Richard on the phone? We got a small problem" she continued.

"Uh, he-uh, he's still sleeping, I didn't want to wake him" I stuttered out.

"Well, then maybe we two could get a little chat until he wakes up. I would love to meet you dear, I want to meet the woman who could make my son want to run away from the job he's so dedicated to" the woman said.

"Uhm, Mrs Castle, I" before I could continue she interrupted me.

"No, Mrs Castle doesn't exist dear, at least not yet if you know what I mean, my last name is Rodgers, though you call me Martha" she said and I giggled.

"Okay, Martha, I don't think that is a move we can do yet, both you and Alexis are more safe as far away from us as possible. We don't want anyone to hurt you and if they would find you two with us there is no doubt they would..." I couldn't find myself saying the word "get you out of the way too."

"That's true... well, I will look forward to meeting the girl of my son's dreams soon enough. This can't last forever, can it? And you must be something special in his eyes cause I promise, he wouldn't do this unless you were" she said and I could almost hear her wink through the phone.

I felt my smile get even bigger.

"You really think so?" I asked uncertain if she meant it.

"Yes, I know my son, and even though I haven't met you, I know he wouldn't do this for someone he just had some small crush on" Martha said and I started to giggle.

I felt my cheeks turn red. I turned around to look back to the stairs and I jumped when I saw Rick stand in the stairs with a small smirk on his face.

"Oh my god! Rick, you scared me!" I half yelled half whispered.

He chuckled and walked towards me. I felt my blush get warmer.

"He's up? I know he can be a pain in the ass sometimes. Believe me I know" Martha said and I laughed at her comment.

"Yeah, I don't have to take your word for it" I teased cause I knew by the look on Rick's face that he had heard his mother's comment.

He was standing right in front of me, looking into my eyes. He leaned down and kissed my lips softly.

"Can't you two do that when I'm not paying a phone bill?" Martha said and I pulled away from Rick and I could swear the look on my face was one of those 'so busted'-looks.

"I'm the one paying, remember?" Rick said into the phone and I gave it to him fully before laughing.

She said something to Rick and his face turned serious.

"Put her on the phone" he said and continued when Martha swithed with someone. "Are you okay? What happened? What did they say?"

I figured it must be Alexis he's talking to but nothing I could come up with was any near positive seeing his facial expression.

"Okay, did you throw your phone? No? Then do it, first shut it down and take out the small card. You have to go and buy a new one. Use your alias and don't worry, the phone you did have is in another name so just throw it away as far as you can, maybe in the ocean if you're close enough to do that. Yes. Okay. Take care, and don't hesitate to call again if something happens" Rick said and ended the call.

He looked at me and I gave him a questioning look. He opened his mouth to tell me something but got cut off by a knocking. Just like the first time we both stiffened and we glanced towards the hall leading to the door.


Sorry for the short chapter and the long waiting, school started and I've been tired after it... Hopefully I will find my rhythm soon, love you all!

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