Chapter 38 - First Part

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Chapter 38 - First Part

Kate Beckett's POV

We walked over to the Hopkins' and it was the guys opening the door for us. Probably because they were afraid someone more would come after us. Hopefully no one would. We walked inside and met the others being on the same places they had been when we left them.

"You know, if you want to, we might be able to help you" Laila said and I looked at her with widened eyes.

"No, not gonna happen. It's way too dangerous and we might not even get out of it alive ourselves" I said shaking my head violently.

"Then why would you do it?" Dalia asked.

"What does she mean?" Emma asked and I looked at her biting my lip.

"Because we can't run for the rest of our lives, we need to end this as fast as possible" Rick answered and I kept my eyes on Emma.

I didn't want to worry her but I didn't know what to say to her. If I told her the truth, that we might be dead by tomorrow, she would never stop worry about us and she probably wouldn't want to let us go. But if I lied to her I would feel bad for lying, she had been so sweet and I didn't want to hurt her in any way.

"Emma, you don't have to worry, it's just grown-up talk" I said as sweet as I could.

She observed my face and I gave her a small smile, which she quickly returned and Marco turned to her.

"Sweetie, why don't you and Jack go upstairs and play some? Kate and Rick is leaving soon" he said and Emma looked at her dad.

She nodded but instead of heading towards the stairs she walked up to me and Rick. She gave Rick a hug and Jack came to me, giving me a hug. Then they switched, so Emma was hugging me and Jack was hugging Rick.

"Bye!" they both said as they ran up the stairs.

I looked after them and turned to Dalia.

"It's some great kids you got there" I said with a smile.

She nodded, "sorry for what I said earlier. I had no idea..." Rick cut her off.

"It's okay, no need for apologizing. We should get going now, let's go get Burke" he touched my arm and we both went towards the basement.

The men followed us and helped us get Burke out into the car. Steven lent out their car for us and told us to put the keys on the right weel when we got to the aiport and they would go there later on getting it. We put handcuffs on Burke and took away his wallet. He was still gone, which was a relief. If we were lucky he wouldn't wake until we were out of the country. We thanked our company for everything before getting into the car and driving away.

"This is gonna work, right?" I asked.

I couldn't shake the feeling that everything would break and that everything would end with one of us dead or badly hurt. I desperately didn't want it to be Rick, cause of he would be the one getting killed or badly hurt I would never forgive myself for putting Alexis through the same pain I was in, and I couldn't think of myself watching his life leave his body. It was too painful to think about, yet I couldn't stop thinking about it because of the lump I had in my stomach.

"It's gonna work, we can do this. Together" Rick said and I nodded.

I knew he would say that, even if he didn't think so himself, but it still calmed me to hear him say it. Anything he would say would always calm me. His voice was soothing and I didn't know why but it just had that effect on me. We got to the police station and we walked inside carrying Burke. The police in there looked at us with widened eyes.

"What is this?" they asked with a brittish accent.

"He's wanted for traiting the United States" Rick said and showed his spy ID.

The police nodded and they took over Burke and put him behind bars.

"Oh, and don't listen to him, he tried really hard to pretend he was one of us, but we've made sure, he's not" I added before me and Rick went out of there.

We didn't have the time to answer any more questions and hopefully they wouldn't try to follow us. We jumped into the car and Rick quickly drove off towards the airport.

"That wasn't so bad" Rick commented and I nodded.

"But now comes the hard part" I mumbled.

Rick hummed in agreement. We sat quiet for the rest of the ride, none of us knew what we should talk about and neither of us wanting to bring up the subject of a plan. None of us knew what exactly we would do, what we should do. They murdered my mom and I wanted revenge, but I knew that was wrong. It wouldn't be right to trade blood for blood. They should rotten in prison, be punished for what they'd done. Maybe I could throw in an extra punch or two, or maybe even cut off a finger or something, just to make them clear that they can't escape the fact that they destroyed someone close to me.

"What are you thinking?" Rick asked and I looked at him.

"Nothing important" I said blushing embarrassed, feeling busted.

I could see his eyes trying to figure out what I thought about it, and it felt like he could look into my soul if I would let him. So I did. I let him in. Because I knew he wouldn't judge me. I knew he wouldn't leave me because of what he saw. Just like I wouldn't leave him if he would've had the same thoughts.

"Kate, you'll get your revenge, don't worry" he said and pulled over to the airport.

He had moved his eyes between me and the road while trying to read me and now his eyes were fully on the road to make sure nothing would happen while we drove into the parking lot for the airport.

"Yeah I know" I said and gave him a small smile.

He parked the car and killed the engine. Then he turned in his seat and looked at me. His hand found it's way to lay on my cheek and I leaned into it. We sat like that for a while, just staring into each others eyes, finding comfort in them.

"Maybe we should get to work" I said and he gave me an embarrassed face. "What?"

"One thing before we do anything else?" he asked and made a small puppy face.

"Sure, anything for you" I said, he sounded really serious despite the face he was making.

"How about a kiss?" he asked and I couldn't help but look down with a smile on my lips.

I bit the lower lip and I could feel my cheeks getting hot. I looked up again and his eyes told me he was serious. I nodded and we leaned closer to each other. He had a smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile too. At last we were close enough to let our lips touch and he deepened the kiss. His kiss reassured me that we would get through this. That we would make it out of this alive. That we could be together forever once this was over and we weren't haunted anymore. His kiss gave me the comfort I needed before our flight into danger.

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