Chapter 19 - In Bed

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Chapter 19 - In Bed

Kate Beckett's POV

Comfortable arms were around me. That's how I woke up. I woke up in his arms. I had my head on his chest and his arms were surrounding me. I liked it. I liked him. I didn't just like him for who he seemed to be or who he was but I liked him for how he made me feel. He made me feel safe. Like I was worth feeling loved. It was a feeling I had never had before. The only close feeling to that was the feeling I felt from my dad and, before the tragedy, my mom. Oh what I would give so much to have her with me. She would've loved Rick, and not because she would get to know him so much but because she would see how happy I had become to be with him, even after the few days that we had actually been seeing each other.

When I laid there in the bed I started following the lines in his face with my finger. I didn't want to wake him but I couldn't resist myself from touching him. I followed the line across his face, an invincible line from forehead to chin we all had. I stopped by his mouth, his lips had me stopping like they was hypnotizing me. When a few minutes had passed I continued drawing lines in his face. Soft, not too hard and not too fast, I moved around his face, trying to memorize every inch. If I could help it I would never let him go. He was too good to be true yet he was right here in front of me. I couldn't believe he was mine and the fact that he actually had run away with me. His kisses held so much love and every time he touched me it was like my skin went on fire. I would never be able to forget that feeling. And I would never accept anything less.

"Heeey" he whispered low and started open his eyes.

I continued drawing lines and he smiled at me.

"Heey" I answered and couldn't resist smiling back.

I felt how ridiculous the smile was but I didn't care. His smile was much cuter though. My cheeks started to become warmer and the blush was there to stay. His eyes got that glimpse they always did when I blushed. I rolled my eyes but continued drawing my lines. His eyes were set on me and it looked like he was thinking about something. It almost looked like it was something he couldn't stop thinking about, and by the look he was giving me it almost had to involve me.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked and his eyes got more focused.

"Nothing" he said and got a small smirk on his lips.

"Come on, you can tell me anything" I said and stopped drawing.

"I'll tell you if you tell me what you were thinking about on the plane" he said with a teasing smile.

Though I could see it wasn't just teasing, he was curious and really wanted to know. I thought about it.

"No, not gonna happen" I said with a smirk and he looked fake-hurt.

"What? Why not?" he asked and I shook my head with a smile on my lips.

"It was nothing, besides it had nothing to do with you" I lied and I kept my confident smile though I could see in his eyes that he didn't quite believe me.

He smirked and all of a sudden he was straddling me kissing my neck. I felt the static shoot through my body and without my approval I shivered. His hands moved towards my belly and for a second I thought he was going for slipping under my shirt but then his fingers started to tickle me. I got surprised and started to turn from the tickling feeling. I really tried not to laugh but it was too much. I laughed loud and tried to catch my breath while turning in his grip. I tried to push him off me but he took a firm grip around my both hands with one of his and held them above my head. He looked at me while he continued to tickle me with his free hand. I tried getting out of his grip but it was hard having him both straddling over me and holding my hands.

"Please, stop, please" I breathed while laughing.

"If you laughed more often I wouldn't have to tickle you in the morning" he said and didn't tickle me that hard anymore.

But he still kept his fingers going on my belly, though not that much to my relief.

"Why do you want me to laugh?" I asked while trying to catch my breath.

He stopped and looked me in my eyes. His ocean blue eyes staring back at me. He had a small smile on his lips and I couldn't help but mirror it.

"Because I love your laugh, you shouldn't believe anything else" he said all serious and I drowned in his eyes.

"Really? You really think so?" I asked under my breath.

His eyes stared down at me and I felt my cheek turn hotter. His eyes had so much love in them and I had never seen a pair of eyes look at me that way before. Never. I mean I hadn't been with much guys at all but it was just so new to me. Having someone looking at me like I was the only one he could see.

"Yes, I do" he said and I couldn't help but let out a giggle.

He smiled and his lips smoothly touched mine. He still held my hands though so I wasn't so sure if he was done tickling me, or he had just forgot he held them. When our lips parted I couldn't stop myself from asking.

"How come you like me? I'm nothing special at all, I'm no one" I said and then I got embarrassed for asking in the first place.

Something in his eyes told me he couldn't believe I had asked that question. I closed my eyes. I regretted it. Why did I have to ask? Now he'll just think I'm weird and go away.

"Look at me" he demanded and I opened my eyes. "I like you because you are something out of the ordinary. You're beautiful and you're smart" he continued. "And your magical kisses can make me forget my fears" he added with a smirk and I couldn't hold back a small laugh while smiling and shaking my head.

I stopped shaking my head to look into his eyes. I bit my lower lip which still tingled after his kiss.

"I love you" he said looking me into my eyes.

"I love you too" I said and he leaned in to kiss me passionately.


Here's the next chapter, hope you all enjoyed it, please let me know in comments what you think! <3

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