Chapter 16 - A Mystery I Want To Solve

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Chapter 16 - A Mystery I Want To Solve

Rick Castle's POV

When I failed with my attempts to get Kate to talk to me about what she had been thinking about I sighed and took her hand in my right hand. Without really thinking about it our fingers intertwined. I glanced at her and saw her biting her lip, which I found adorable. She was adorable. I couldn't believe I had truly met the perfect woman and gotten the chance to know her. She was very mysterious too. It was something about her that, still, was off even though it seemed like she had opened up to me more than she had done with any other guy. The way she looked out the window made my writer-sense kick in and think about a dozen different reasons to why she had become a spy. Maybe she had just wanted the danger and the excitement, but something told me that wasn't her case. It was like something had happened to her but I couldn't really figure out what. She really hadn't mentioned any of her parents so maybe something had happened to them? It wasn't any of my business though, she would tell me when and if she was ready. I looked at the other passengers in first class, here wasn't that many people to be honest. It was like there was no one who felt like going to England and who had enough money to buy first class. I saw the flight attendant walk around and sell drinks and snacks. She slowly made her way over to us, taking orders all the time and making sure the money exchanging gets right. I felt Kate's head land on my shoulder and I looked at her closely as she closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep. At first it looked like something was bothering her, like she was thinking about something that she didn't quite like thinking about. But the longer she had her head on my shoulder and the deeper in her sleep she dove, her face slowly turned into an adorable smile. A smile that seemed like no one could ever wipe away from that cute face of hers.

"Sir, do you and your lady wan... oh, sorry" the flight attendant had finally come to us and she looked surprised the woman in front of her had already fallen asleep.

"I would like a coke, but as you can see she's good at the moment" I whispered and she nodded.

She handed me a coke and I gave her the money. She then continued to the seats behind us. As quick as I could, and without disturbing Kate in her sleep, I opened the coke and took a sip from it. I knew the sugar would kick in and make it nearly impossible for me to sleep but I figured it would be for the better if I was awake the whole trip, just in case something would happen. I didn't want to happen to fall asleep and wake up either dead or in cuffs. I didn't want Kate to be in danger. I knew I didn't know her but everything felt so right when I was around her. She made me relax like no one else could. Sure I was relaxed in the company of Alexis, my daughter, and my mother but not as relaxed as I had been with Kate. It was like I knew that nothing could ever stop us, like we were a team who could always trust on each other. Almost like we had known each other for our entire lives, which we most definitely hadn't. I looked down at Kate again. She looked so peaceful, all her worried wrinkles were gone from her face and she had a cute little up going in her lips suggesting she was smiling in her dream. I wondered what she was dreaming about, I wondered if I was a part of that dream or if it just were a memory from her time as a child. I decided I wanted to know more about her. I wasn't going to push her, that could only lead to trouble and her pushing me away. But I was going to try to figure her out. Why it was that she had become a spy and why that little glimpse of sadness never left her eyes. She probably didn't know herself she had it but I could see it, loud and clear. And if it was something that weighed on her shoulders I wanted nothing more than to be one of the pillars helping her holding the big temple up.

"What's that look for?" Kate's sleepy voice dragged me back to reality.

"What look?" I asked her and looked into her sleepy eyes.

"That look" she half whispered as her eyes started closing again.

"Go back to sleep" I said as soothly as I could and kissed her on the top of her head.

"Mmh" she mumbled as she slowly drifted back into sleep.

I let my head lean on hers as I smelled her hair. It smelled like cherries and I loved it. I wished for us to be able to make this work, there was nothing I wanted more than to make this work so that we could be together. Forever. I took another sip of my coke and looked around the plane. No one seemed to even notice me, and that was good. We didn't need anyone to remember us or any suspicion which could lead to our deaths. I let my thumb make small circles on her hand, and when I did her face lit up in her dream. Just like I had triggered something good to happen inside her dream. At least it didn't seem like a bad thing.

"This is your captain speaking, we will go down for landing now so please put your seat belt back on and thank you for flying with us" a voice in the speaker phone said and the seat belt sign turned red.

I smiled, we were finally here. Now, the only thing we needed to do was find a hotel were we... wait... we didn't needed a hotel. I had a house in London in the name of Richard Warren! And we could use that house to find out our next move. If we would go after our bosses to find out why we were targeted or if we just would try stay hidden for the rest of our lives and live with fake names. Katherine Hale and Richard Warren. It didn't really have a cling to it. Katherine Beckett and Richard Castle. It sounded so much better. Plus it could be hard to pretend to be someone else when you're a somewhat famous writer. I lifted my head and kissed Kate on her nose.

"Time to wake up, sleepy head. We're landing soon" I whispered in her ear as her eyes started blinking, showing she was waking up.


Sorry for not uploading this earlier! I totally forgot today was the day... and the reason I'm uploading two chapters today is that I apparently forgot to publish the 15th chapter here on wattpad even though I posted it on Instagram... anyway, hope you liked it!

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