Chapter 17 - Sensitive

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Chapter 17 - Sensitive

Kate Beckett's POV

"Time to wake up, sleepy head. We're landing soon" a new but already familiar voice whispered in my ear, breaking through my dreams.

I dragged myself out of my sleep and opened my eyes just to look into the eyes of the man who had ran away with me. His blue eyes were on mine and he kissed my nose. I smiled and to my relief I was too tired to giggle. I put my hand over my mouth as I yawned.

"You slept good?" he asked and I nodded.

"Much better than I use to" I answered and sit up from leaning on him.

I could feel his look asking what I meant by that but I ignored it for the moment. He would get to know but not now, I wasn't ready to tell him everything yet. For all I knew he could loose interest in me after a few days. Though, it felt like we would be together for a long time. To my surprise he didn't push. He didn't demand to know what I had meant. He didn't try to get me to tell him everything. I heard him taking a deep breath and I looked at him. He had his eyes closed and when I glanced down at his hands he had a firm grip on the chair.

"Are you afraid of landing?" I asked and I felt my forehead wrinkle with surprise.

He only opened his eyes enough to look at me and closed them again before nodding. I thought about it for a moment, we were going to land in a few minutes. We were close to the ground now. I took his right hand and loosened it from the seat. I intertwined our fingers and turned as much as possible towards him in my own seat. He had opened his eyes a little again, probably because he had heard my movement. I laid my right hand on his cheek and turned him towards me. Now he had his eyes fully opened, curious eyes reaching mine. I quickly glanced to the window and confirmed we were only seconds from hitting ground. I leaned towards him and my lips softly touched his. I held my eyes open long enough to see his close. When our kiss deepened I felt his stiff body relax. I felt the plane hit the ground and I felt the plane slow down. His left hand landed on my waist and his tongue brushed my lower lip to ask for permission. I smiled as I opened up and felt his taste fill my mouth. His sweet taste I'd come to love.

"The doors are now open, thank you so much for flying with us" a voice in the speaker phone said and I broke the kiss.

I still had my forehead leaning against his forehead though.

"See, that wasn't so bad, was it?" I asked with a smile.

"I could get used to that" he whispered and kissed my lips again.

We broke the kiss again and raised to get our stuff. We went out of the plane, hand in hand. It felt so good to have someone beside me. When I flew I was always by myself, so it was a nice change. Our fingers were intertwined and his thumb kept drawing small circles on the back of my hand. The touch shot electricity through my body. We got out of the airport and took a taxi. Rick told the driver an address and I looked at him with questioning eyes.

"Where are we going?" I asked him and he smiled at me all secretly.

"You will see when we get there" he answered with a smirk.

I narrowed my eyes but he simply shrugged and smiled at me. I couldn't help but yawn, quickly I covered my mouth.

"Still tired?" Rick asked and I could hear the small surprise in his voice.

I yawned again and my eyes got watery because of the yawns.

"Yeah, like I said, I don't sleep so good" I said and he looked at me.

I knew the look he gave me could only mean one thing. He wanted to know more of why I didn't sleep so good.

"Well, as you might know my job keeps my guards up all the time" I said shaking my head.

I referred to it as 'my job' since we didn't need the cab driver to know our real identities.

"And?" Rick asked when I didn't continue.

I guess he just knew that wasn't all. He waited patiently so I looked down at my hands in my lap and took a deep breath.

"My mom had the same job as I do and... uhm... she-she went out one day, and uhm... she never... came home again" I said and I kept my eyes on my hands.

I felt the too familiar tears appear in my eyes and as usual when I talked about my mom I couldn't stop them from gliding down my face.

"What happened?" Rick asked carefully.

"We-we don't know. They never really gave us any answers, so... that's one of the bigger reasons I can't sleep, Rick. Cause when I do I have nightmares of her being killed in so many ways I've stopped counting. That's also why I never let my guard down, and why I don't let people in that easily. And before you start, you are an exception, I don't know why but I feel like I can trust you which scares me you know. I've never felt this comfortable with any other person. Not even with Lanie and Jenny who I've known for my whole life" I didn't mean to tell him so much but when I started talking it all came out.

Well not all, but more than I had thought about telling. I shut my mouth, still looking down at my hands. A few seconds had passed as I felt Rick's arm around me. He hugged me as tight as he could in the cab. I buried my face in his chest as I felt my tears stream down my face. Being in his embrace was the only thing that kept me from getting more hurt. And that's when I knew the saying was true.

'Someday you'll find someone who will hug you so tight that all your broken pieces puts back together.'


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