Chapter 41 - Phone Calls Which Changes Everything

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Chapter 41 - Phone Calls Which Changes Everything

Rick Castle's POV

The signals went forward and I was starting to loose hope just as the other person picked up.

"Gates" the woman said.

"Don't hang up!" I said and I could hear an irritating sigh.

"Mr Castle? Haven't I told you to never ever call me again?" she said annoyed by even the tought of me.

"Yes, and I'm sorry to do that but we're in trouble and I believe you can help us" I said as quickly as I could, still afraid she would hang up on me.

"Who are 'we'?" Gates asked and I sighed with relief.

It actually sounded like she wanted to know, guess it was her moral kicking in.

"Me and a miss Kate Beckett. Apparently we were ordered to kill each other, fortunately we managed to meet up before that happened and now when we tried to look up why we were ordered to kill each other we found something dirty on Yvette Barrett and Ron Hall, our bosses" I said the overview first since I knew she wouldn't want the whole story in detail, at lieast not in the beginning.

I could almost hear the cogwheels running while she thought.

"What's the dirty?" she asked and I sighed with relief.

I told her about Kate's mother's death and what she had found them doing, that it wasn't only because of her mother's death we wanted them arrested but because of what she had found them doing and the fact that they had tried to kill us.

"Were are you going to take them down? Do you know who else are behind this?" Gates asked.

"No, I don't, but I know you would never do something like that, and I believe you mentioned someone you know a few times who wouldn't do this either, right?" I said and she hummed.

"Where do you wanna meet up?" she asked and I looked at Kate behind the wheel.

"Kate, where are we going? She needs to know where to meet up" I said and Kate narrowed her eyes.

She told me an address and I repeated it into the phone. Gates told me she would meet me there once she got a hold of her friend. She ended the call before I could thank her.

"Of course..." I mumbled rolling my eyes.

"So, how did it go? She'll help us?" Kate asked me and I nodded.

"Barely but yes" I said.

"What did you do to make her hate you?" Kate asked with a chuckle.

"Don't ask, it's in the past" I said and I met Kate's eyes in the rearview mirror.

She pouted with her lips in a try to make me talk. I shook my head determined and she chuckled.

"You two like this all the time?" Lanie asked and I could hear admiration in her voice.

I had no idea why she seemed so weird to see us together. It was like she had won on lottery or something. I made a mind note to ask Kate later what that was all about.

"Not all the time" Kate answered and as quickly as she could I saw her wink to me in the mirror without letting Lanie know she had.

I smiled, couldn't believe I had found her. Or, she had found me. Of all the people she could've fallen on that night in the club, she had fallen over me. And Lanie had asked me to take care of her. Kate pulled into a parking garage and killed the engine.

"Where are we?" I asked and she smiled while we jumped out of the car.

She came close to me and leaned in.

"Soon" she whispered in my ear and totally disturbed the balance between calm and turned on.

Jenny, Javi and Kevin came out of their car and together the girls showed us up towards an apartment on the fourth floor of the building. When Lanie took out the key she turned to us.

"Welcome to my grandmother's place" she said making bunny ears on grandmother.

She opened the door and we walked inside. It looked just like a normal apartment and I was starting to wonder if they had fooled us. Then once Jenny had closed the door behind all of us and locked the door Kate walked to one of the shelves and opened it. There were lots and lots of different weapons. I looked at her shocked as she took out a small gun and threw it towards me. By reflexes I caught it and looked down at it.

"I have some clothes here too, I don't know if they will suit you, though" Kate said and walked into something that looked like the bedroom.

"Go ahead, we'll stay here" Jenny said and took Kevin's hand taking him towards the kitchen.

Lanie and Javi followed them and I walked towards the room Kate had gone in to.

I found her in a walk-in closet and she was only in her bra and panties when I reached her. She looked at me and put on a sports bra on top of her own one before magically removing it without showing anything. She took out a man's shirt and threw it towars me.

"I have no idea if it fits, when I bought it I thought of it to my dad in case something would happen but I think it could fit you as well" she said and pu on some tight pants which I first doubted she could move in but then she put on her shoes and to tie the knots she put her foot on a bureau.

I took of my shirt and replaced it with the one she had thrown at me. I kept my gaze on her the whole time. She was so beautiful and her curves were perfect. I wa hypnotized with her. She put on a black, tight, long-armed shirt and she looked at me. Her cheeks blossomed with a redish color.

"Here, put these on" she said and handed me a pair of pants.

I put them on as well and when I was done we were both completely black dressed. She smiled and I leaned down kissing her softly. She kissed me back, running her fingers through my hair. I let my hands move to her lower back as the kiss got more heated. I pushed her body close to mine, wanting nothing more than to just feel her against me. Her lips shot static through my veins, starting in my lips and moving out to my entire body. She pushed me, making me move backwards and my back hit a wall. I could feel her lips moving up in a smile and I turned around making her the one with the back towards the wall. My lips left hers to let her catch her breath, while I kept kissing down her neck. I felt her knees giving up a bit once I kissed a spot on her neck. I found it interesting and kissed her there some more, making her knees almost give up completely. I chuckled against her skin and moved my lips up to hers again.

"Someone's knocking on the... oh" Lanie said coming inside.

Me and Kate ripped apart from each other looking at the shocked Lanie in the opening of the closet. I didn't know what to say. I was breathless, literally. I looked at Kate and I saw her cheeks being redder than ever before.

"Uhm, sorry" Lanie said embarrassed and turned around.

She walked out and I turned to Kate again. She raised her hands to hide her face. I took one step towards her and pulled down her hands, making her look at me.

"Come on, we should get going" I said and she looked up at me with embarrassed eyes.

I kissed her both cheeks and her forehead before ending with a kiss on her nose which made her giggle.

"I guess it's Gates at the door, so let's go. No good idea to keep her waiting" I said with a horrific facial expression.

Kate laughed and took my hand before dragging me out of the closet.


So I just thought that I should let you know that I'm done with this fanfic, I wrote the last chapter the other day and that's why I'm updating so much! I hope you enjoy it, because I'm gonna continue post in this speed until the final chapter is out.

In case you want to know the last chapter is the 45th chapter, so only 4 chapters left!

Have a great day!

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