Chapter 35 - Run Or Explain

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Chapter 35 - Run Or Explain

Rick Castle's POV

"Oh my god! You are Richard Castle!" a woman's voice shouted and I turned around with widened eyes.

"No, you got it wrong, I'm Rick Warren" I tried to say it as truthfully as I could but in the eyes of the woman I could see that nothing could fool her.

"Dalia, what are you talking about?" Viola asked.

"Knock it off Dalia, he's not your favorite author ok? You should really stop reading them" Marco said with a deep sigh.

"No, I know it's him, look!" Dalia said and opened up her purse.

"Seriously? You brought the book?" Marco complained and I felt Kate beside me starting to make her body ready for fight.

I took her hand and tried to calm her down with stroking my thumb on the back of her hand. To be honest I was as frightened as she was with the fact that someone recognized me. Dalia took out the book and showed Viola the picture on the back of the book. Viola gasped and looked from the picture up to me and back again. Kate started to move in front of me and I grabbed her arm and put myself in front of her. I didn't want her to be in danger.

"Wait, why would you lie to us?" Robert asked and I looked at all the faces.

"We wanted..." I thought as quick as I could "a vacation and we didn't want the fans to know I'm here" I said quickly.

They all looked at us with surprised faces. It didn't look like they truly believed my little lie.

"Yeah, sorry..." Kate started and took my hand starting to move to my side "we just didn't think we could get caught and we didn't think it would hurt anyone... we're sorry" she apologized.

I looked down at her and I could see in her eyes how sorry she felt. Or how sorry she played to feel. She was good. She looked up at me and faked a half smile. I smiled down at her before we both turned to the people around us.

"I don't believe you" Dalia said honestly.

"Oh come on honey, can't you see they just want to have some alone time?" Marco asked with a deep sigh.

"Honey I know most about Richard Castle and he does not have a girlfriend, he's a womanizer, not the boyfriend material" Dalia said and I felt hurt.

"What makes you think that you know me? The real me?" I asked offended.

Kate's hand landed on my arm, giving it a squeeze. I looked at her and her hazel eyes calmed me down.

"Please, Dalia, let's forget that. Can't you see how in love they are?" Viola asked and I looked at her.

"Maybe we should just go, sorry for everything" Kate said and I nodded.

"No, don't go, please!" the little girl shouted running towards us.

The two children looked at us with sad faces. I could feel Dalia's gaze on us. She had no idea why her kids was so sad about us leaving.

"Sorry, but it's for the best" Kate said with her soothing voice and once again my heart melted.

She would make a great mom one day, and hopefully that would be something we both could be a part of.

"But, you can't leave, this was going to be a fun barbecue" the boy said and I looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"What do you mean Jack? Do you two know these people?" Marco asked.

The boy and the girl's faces became red as tomatoes and I had no idea what they wanted us to say. Maybe they wanted to keep it a secret but now everyone knew we had met so it would be hard to come with another explanation than the truth.

"We kinda met while we were out playing" Jack answered, trying to avoid details.

"And what do you mean that it was going to be a fun barbecue because of them?" Dalia asked, she didn't sound angry but she sounded a little hurt.

I could feel her, having a daughter of my own I knew it stung every time she had more fun without me. Especially when she was a little girl, now I had gotten used to it.

"No one around here will play with us, and since Oliver isn't here this won't be as fun as it use to" the little girl said and I was once again struck by how similar she talked like Alexis in her age.

"But what do you mean you're gonna have more fun?" Laila asked.

Apparently everyone was quite curious on what we could do to make it funnier for the kids.

"They played along with us when we met" Jack said with a shrug trying not to make a big deal out of it.

A crash was heard not far away and both me and Kate stiffened and we looked where the sound came from. There was a paling between us and the sound. The adults looked at us and I could feel their confused faces. I walked in front of Kate so that I stood between her and the paling.

"Beckett, give up, there's no where to hide. Didn't I taught you that?!" a man's voice shouted from behind the paling.

"Shit" Kate whispered and I looked at her.


I'm sorry for the long wait I keep leaving you with, and thank you all so much for not pushing me. I have much to do in school and it's hard for me to concentrate with this story, tho I PROMISE I will write it to the end. I'm actually doing my best to sum it all up so that there's going to be an ending soon (not until a few other chapters) but at least you're prepared.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it! xoxo

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