Chapter 3

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My eyes fluttered open every so often. But it was a blur when they do open I fight to wake up, my whole body numb. Then they close shut again as I slip back into unconsciousness. I drift between reality of a strange small dark basement to dreams of walking down the beach with Nick hand in hand. He would smile his bright smile and tell he loved me; he would throw me over his shoulder and pull me into the waves laughing, the cold water splashing our faces, making his amazing features look god like. And then I came back to the dark basement.

Then things got blurry again, and I am lying on the sand with Nick beside me, him telling me funny stories of when he was younger.

Then back to reality, in and out of consciousness I go, my mind fighting against the drug trying to pull me under. I would much rather stay in my dreams but the drug is wearing off.

 The walls are starting to clear up. They are painted a dark blue but seems black because of the lack of light coming out of the small window at the very top of one of the four walls it could barely fit my head.

I am sitting on a mattress that seems to have never been washed, I try to move my hand but it is restrained behind my back. The texture is rough, itchy but flexible, Rope.

I am so focused on how I am going get this rope off. Why am I here? How was I going to get out? The numb feelings that came with the drug is wearing off letting my emotions back. 

“Mum dad” I whimpered. The images of those last few minutes before the man came are plying over and over in my head. Their bodies crumpled on the ground all life drained out of them, there empty eyes staring into emptiness. I shuddered at the image; I’ve never seen so much blood in one place.

“Is she wake?” someone whispers. My head snaps to where the voice came from. I scramble away, well as best as I can with my hands tied behind my back. Was it the guy? No the voice was small and too famine to be him, but I still scrambled away out of fear.

I scramble to a corner of the room to find it occupied. I use the wall beside me to stand up.

“L-leave me alone” I strutted. A person stands up from where the voice came from. I can’t make them out in the dark, they take a step forward into the ray of the sunlight.

It is a small girl, she seems about 15. The little bit of clothing she is wearing are dirty and seems a couple sizes too small.

“What’s your name?” she asks. I stand there weighting my options should I tell her? Or run for a door. I look around to see how far the door is from here. It is a big wooden door, the chances of it begin open are very low.

“Don’t bother it’s closed” someone says from behind the little girl. It was the voice I heard, they step out from the shadows. It is a girl she is much closer to my age and is in just as a bad condition as the little girl, who is staring at me.

“What’s your name?” the little girl asks again, I don’t know where my voice has run off to, probably hiding away in fear. Movement comes from behind me and my head snaps to the direction of the noise. I forgot about the person I nearly crawled over.

It is another girl. What? How many people are in here? Was I not the only one who got kidnapped? She takes another step and I can see her clearly now, she wasn’t a girl more of a woman maybe in here early 30s or late 40s. She is thin as a stick, her cheek bone stands out like a red dot on a white flag. And the clothes she is wearing can fit me easily but are much bigger for her.

“Lucy, leave the girl alone” she says I’m guessing to the little girl. “It’s alright we’re not going to hurt you” she says in a motherly tone, which makes my heart ache knowing I don’t have a mother anymore.

She takes a step towards me and I take a two steps away. No matter how sweet she seems I still didn’t trust her.

“I’m just going to untie the rope from you” she says taking another step towards me. I nod in agreement, if she tries something I’m not sure what I will do. I never learnt how to fight, if only I took those defence classes mum was talking about.

I turn around so she can untie the rope. Her bony finger brushed past my arm and it leaves goose bumps behind. Her fingers are freezing. When the rope comes off I feel the blood flowing back into my hands, I gave it a little shake trying to get the feeling back into my hands. I mumbled a thank you, and look back at the little girl known as Lucy who was still staring at me.

“You’re welcome” the lady smiles. “By the way my name is Kate” she takes a seat back in her little corner. “I’m Jamie and this is Lucy” informs the girl behind Lucy. I nodded looking back at the door; it’s not going to hurt if I try it.

I walk up to the big wooden door, talking a hold of the cold door knob and giving it a twist. It doesn’t move just my luck, breaking up with Nick in front of nearly the whole school and he didn’t even act like it hurt him, finding my parents murdered and then getting kidnapped. Life sure can change in a blink of an eye.

I turn are look around the room, hoping to find anything that can help with my escape. Nothing the room is bland except for the mattress I woke up on and a toilet that I hadn’t noticed before it was directly under the window.

I walk over to the toilet and put the toilet seat down, all eyes are on me but I didn’t care if they are going to sit there and not trying to escape then so be it, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try. It is a small window I can just fit my head in, but that’s all. But what made me lose my hope of escaping is what’s outside the window.

Trees and more tress, even if I happened to find a way out of this little prison I wouldn’t survive a day out there, but that isn’t it. That isn’t what sent shivers down my body leaving my mouth dry. It was the armed guards patrolling the fence barriers keeping us in the fence buzzing with electricity; you could hear the hum of the fence from here. The long towers with more armed guards watching over.

“Oh god” I whimpered. It’s going to be impossible to escape here, that little hope I had of getting out of here has been crushed. I get down from the toilet, and sit down on the mattress. How long will I be stuck in here? What is this place? It must be important if it needs that much protection.

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