Chapter 14

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It sound too good to be true, it is too good to be true.

“Really? This isn’t another one of your sick jokes” his jaw clenches.

He looks over at me, and holds up his pinkie. “I promise” I take a sharp intake of breath. Would he keep his promise?

I hold up my pinkie, hesitate before linking it with his. If he lies and doesn’t let me go, I’ll find my own way.

“Deal” I smile.

He give me a boyish smile, reminding me of the boy in my dreams, him. When he smiles the resemblance between him and the boy are undeniable.

Quiet fills the car, besides the hum of the engine. My mind trails back to memories of my parents; it brings tears at the edge of my eyes, and an ache to my heart.

“We call chess the game of kings because, through chess, we learn how to rule kings” my dad would say every time as he set up the old wooden chess set. We would play in silence, move after move, I would always lose, to cheer me up we would go out for ice cream.

I wipe my wet cheeks, with my sleeve. “We call chess the game of kings because, through chess, we learn how to rule kings” I whisper to myself.

“What?” Luke turns from the road.

I mumble a nothing and turn towards the window, I watch as tress and cars zip past us.


By the time Luke drives into a rundown motel, it’s already dark outside. He gets out and grabs the two duffle bags, before letting me out.

I swallow the lump in my throat remembering the kind of weapons in one of those bags. He slips his free hand into mine; I try to resist the urge to pull my hand away.

At the counter of the motel, sits a large old man with a small fan blowing at his face and what little hair he has on his head. The man looks up from his phone.

Luke doesn’t wait to reach the counter. “A room for the night” he throws a stack of money on the counter.

The man takes it before I have a look at the money, it looked strange. He takes what he needs and hands it back to Luke, a second glance at the money and I know for sure it’s not money or the money I know.

The man walks to a wall with dozens of keys hanging on little hooks; he picks out number 15 and tosses it to Luke. We make our way to the room.

The stairs creak under our weight; I’m surprised it’s able to hold us up. We go down the hall past doors, until we stop at our assigned room.

Luke unlocks the door with the key, he pushes on the handle, but the door doesn’t budge, he takes a step back before ramming into the door, the door opens with a groan.

The room is small, the walls are painted with a gross green with red stains, I don’t even want to know how they got there. The roof is a bright orange which doesn’t make the room any more appealing. There is a couch facing a large window with a surprisingly good few view, a door is ajar meters away from the couch, I’m guessing it leads to the bathroom. There is only one bed, and there are two people. If I have to, I will sleep on the floor, if I can sleep. The bed seems to be surprisingly clean.

Luke throws the bags on the couch, I walk to the middle of the room and stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do.

“Have a shower there are some clothes for you to change, in the bag; I’ll be back with some food” he leaves, but returns seconds later.

“Just to let you know, we’re miles from any town, and there are more UNA soldiers in these areas so the chances you might end up back in that room are high” he lets those words sink in. “And I will keeps my promise to you” with that he leaves the room.

Escape hadn’t even come to mind, but now escape doesn’t seem too appealing. Would he keep his promise? I’ve got so many questions I need answered, and that dream keeps bugging me, I never heard about UNA before, but I dreamt about UNA soldiers, maybe there is  more, maybe it’s not just a dream.

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