Chapter 6

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He leads me down a couple of corridors his grip firm on me. We stand in front of a black door towering over us, he takes his keys out of his pocket and scans a card, the doors open into another identical corridor.

We turn more corridors and I've lost count of how many we've been through. I notice a stream of daylight coming out of an open door, the first thought that comes to me is, exit.

My body tenses ready to spring out of his fingers, if I take him by surprise I might be able to get out of his grip before he realizes what's happening.

I let out a slow breath letting my nerves calm down, when we only meters from the door I start counting down from three.


Breathe in breathe out.


In, out.

Just before I reach one his grip tightens on my arm. "Don't think about it" he warns. How did he know?

My shoulders deflate my plans crushed, once again. When we pass the door that I assumed was to my freedom was just actually a plain white room with a brown desk and a chair behind, sunlight seeping from a large open window looking out into the forests. I'm actually glad he stopped me now.

We finally reach a white door with some numbers he scans his card and it opens. It looks just like any doctors offices I've been to. With the bed a cupboard full of medical supplies and a desk with a computer and stacks of paper.

"Sit over there" he points to the bed, and closes the door.  I walk over to the bed and take a sit on the edge ready to spring off at any moment.

"What is this place?" I ask. I'm going to use this opportunity to my better. He grabs some medical boxes and takes it over to a bench his back facing me.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well if I'm going to be stuck here, might as well know where or what is happening"

He turns around to face me, his eyes a little wide with shock while holding a needle. I swallow down the lump in my through I always hated needles.

"You won't be stuck here" he reassures me. "How do you know?"

He shrugs his shoulders "I just do"

He walks over to me and takes a hold of my hand, I finch away from his touch. "I'm not going to hurt you"

He slides my sleeve up to my elbow, and wipes some antibiotic on my arm before hovering the needle above where he will inject it. I close my eyes and clench my fists waiting for it to puncture my skin, but it doesn't.

When I open my eyes his staring at me like his trying to figure out a puzzle, his lip ring between his teeth eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "Name?" he asks looking back at my arm.

I hesitate before telling him. "Nora" he looks up at me like his just seen a ghost.

"How long have you been in here?" his voice shaky I give him a strange look. "About a day Why?"

He shakes his head "No reason, give me your hand?" I do as I'm told. When the needle is only centimeters away from my arm I tense up and squeeze my eyes shut.

"Just relax and open your eyes" he whispers. When I do his staring at me "Don't look anywhere else just focus on me"

I feel the needle tip on my arm and I panic again "Wait" I stop his movement "What's this for?" I was so distracted before that I nearly forgot to ask.

"It's so you can keep going longer without food" Why would he give me something to keep me going, without food?

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I question.

"Well your just going to have to trust me" he smiles. I nod my head; not really trusting him just fearing what he would do if I said no.

He grabs my arm again "Just relax" he soothes. I try not focusing on the needle but instead on his attractive features. The bit of stubble on his chin, and his sharp jaw line, that ring on his lip giving him a cold age, which leaves me wondering if he has tattoos to go with that bad boy image.

He smiles up at me "Done" I look down at my arm and his right his done and I didn't feel a thing.

 I give a little wary laugh. He takes a seat on the table across from me staring at me with amazement and awe. I clear my throat.  "Aren't you going to take me back to my-"

"Cell" he finishes. I nod my head. "Do you want to?" I shake my head no. "What's your name?" I wonder. He clears his throat and shakes his head like his trying to rid himself of something.

"Luke" the dizziness that a felt in the corridor is back making my vision unclear, I try to hold onto the bed but I can't seem to find it everything in the room is moving around, never staying in the same spot more than five seconds.

All I smell is cinnamon so strong it's burning my nostrils, but in a good way. Bringing back childhood memories, backing cinnamon cake with mum no matter how much I ate my thirst for cinnamon could never be quenched. I smile at the memory than it's gone.

I don't know how I end up on the floor but I'm there and Luke is by my side in seconds. His lips moving up and down but no sounds come out, which leaves me wondering if my ears are the problem.

I don't know how long I sit there watching his frantic face, time doesn't seem important at the moment. He lifts me up and lays me down on the bed, I can hear his footsteps now, so whatever happened to my ears before was temporally.

He paces up and down the room, cursing under his breath. I shake my head to rid of the last bits of dizziness, than sit up.

He looks up at me and it takes him two long strides to reach me. "Are you okay?"

I rub my head. "I Think. What was that?" he just shakes his head "I should be asking you that"

I thought comes to my head, "It was what you injected me with, wasn't it" I look at him with disgust and I thought he was alright not as scary like the other man.

I don't give him time to answer before I bombard him with questions. "Where am I? Why is it so heavily guarded? What do they do here? What did you put into me?" he isn't paying attention to me instead staring at the wall behind.

When he looks back at me he seems determined. "You want me to tell you everything" I nod my head.

"Then you have to promise me one thing" his eyes plead for me to agree with him but I don't.  

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