Chapter 5

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We sit there in that room in silence listening to the chaos happening around us the screams, the gun fire and the noises that I’m not familiar with, sounding just meters away. Lucy sits in a shield of Kate’s and Jamie’s body’s hiding in fear. While I sit on my little mattress still waiting for someone to jump out and tell me it’s all a big joke.

It could have been minutes or hours we sat there, the noises died down, Eventually. I could hear the occasional gun shoots besides that it was complete silence.

“Are they gone?” Lucy whimpers

“Hopefully yes” Kate reassures her, pulling her further into her body. Kate throws a worried glance over to me. “Are you ok?”

I nodded my head. “Fine” but that’s further from the truth.

“What do you think happened?” she asks rubbing Lucy’s back soothingly, while Jamie sits beside them staring off into space.

 “I don’t know” I answer truthfully. I pull my hair in concentration. “Has this happened before?”

“No never”

Just as I’m about to ask her another question, I hear footsteps coming closer. I pray that they will stop in front of the door but my prayers go unanswered.

They shuffle past the door pushing something along. I’m still holding my breath when I hear them stop just meters past the door. Keys jingle there is some sliding noises then the feet shuffle closer dragging something along.

The jingling of the keys comes again, followed by the same sliding and the feet move forward once again. I look over at the girls while the same cycle of noises repeats.

They seem relived like a weight has been lifted of their chests. Jamie has stopped staring at the wall now. They’re all staring at the door intensely like they might jump at it with any sudden movements.

Their sudden change of behaviour is frightening I slide away a little further. A button on the back of my jeans scraps across the ground as I move, Lucy’s head snaps to my direction so fast I’m surprised she hasn’t snapped her neck. My blood turns to ice and I straggle to oxygenate my lungs, at the sight of her.

Her mouth is slightly parted with saliva dripping slowly to the ground, her eyes are diluted all traces of white completely gone.  I’m certain she is going to pounce on me when her attention is directed away from me and back towards the door, where the footsteps have stopped.

I pull my eyes away from her and to the door. I wait nervously for the door to open scared to find out who’s behind it and all my questions floating around unanswered. But it never does instead a latch that I hadn’t noticed at the bottom of the door opens.  Three black containers slide out with Kate, Lucy and Jamie’s names on.

They jumped up from their spots, to their containers taking it further into the room. Seconds later another container slide out with my name on it, I stand up and take it back to my spot. The latch closes and the person moves on.

“This is not normal” I whisper to myself as I look back over at the girls. They are hunched over their food devouring it like I a pack of wild dogs. It isn’t just Lucy’s eyes that are diluted Kate’s and Jamie’s are as well.

I slip off the lid on my containers, the familiar smell seeping into my nostrils. Mum’s lasagne. She would always add a secret ingredient that made it smell like this but never tell me.

At the reminder of my parents a tear slides down my eye dropping on the lasagne. It turns green bubbling until it’s all evaporated. Are my eyes playing trick on me?

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