Chapter 23

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"Norah" Luke calls from the door. I peek out the sheets and fake a yawn; I take the act a little further and stretch limbs, before sitting up.

"Morning." he smiles from the door, he steps into the room, wearing black jeans and a plain white top and a pair of black snickers, his cleaned up. "Want some breakfast, I don't think you had anything to eat yesterday." He walks up to the bed till his towering over me.

His scent hits me like a brick wall, a blanket of nausea is wrapped around me, my stomach aches, my head thrum and my throat tightens, I fall back onto the bed and close my eyes. I don't know how long I'm in that state before it starts to fade into a light ache on my head.

"Norah." I open my eyes at the sight of Luke only centimetres away from my face I jump colliding my head into his.

"Ouch." I groan, rubbing my forehead. "Isn't personal space something you consider before you get in someone's face?"

"I was calling your name for at least two minutes." He argues. "You won't responding, I thought something happened."

"Just a headache." I sit up on the bed and slip my shoes on before standing up. "What kind of perfume do you use?"

He raises an eyebrow. "That's an odd question to ask someone."

"Well you did promise answers and I have plenty of questions."

He chuckles. "I don't use perfume, but I do have a cinnamon scented shampoo that might be what your smelling, Satisfied."

"Very, so how about that breakfast you were talking about." he leads me out the room, I take in his figure as his making his way down the stairs, none of the injuries from last night are evident, it's as if it never happened.

"You're not limping." I point out "You should be limping with the injuries you had, are you like a terminator?" I laugh at the absorbed thought. He stops at the bottom of the stirs and turns to look at me. He studies my face as if his contemplating if he should tell me or not.

"Well, this might sound crazy but, when I was young I went through a medical procedure to genetically enhance me to be nearly unstoppable, my body is stronger, faster and smarter than any normal human, I can heal faster than a normal human body."

"Crazy is putting it lightly." I snort. Every time I think it couldn't get any more stranger, bam I'm proven wrong.

"Are you like a super soldier. Should I call you captain America from now on." I bark out laughing, my stomach aches from how hard I'm laughing and I feel tears gathering on the corner of my eyes.

"Captain what?" he honest to god looks like he has no idea what I'm talking about.

"You know the movie 'Captain America'."

"No I don't know."

"Wow, I honestly pity you, what a dual life you must live."

"What's it about?"

"I guess you'll just have to watch it then." I roll my eyes at him out of the corner of my eye I see him fight a smile. "Stop side tracking me, now I'll appreciate the truth."

"That is the truth." There's a look of hurt on his face. "I am- as you say a 'super soldier' and so are you." I wonder if he'll ever give up.

"If you don't believe me look at your arm." He grins "tell me why it's already healed it should take at least a couple of weeks for the wound to heal and then not even completely considering how deep the cut was."

I pull up my sleeve and where just a few days ago Luke was stitching my arm up, lays a barely visible faded scare. I open and close my mouth repeatedly but no words come out. I take a seat on the stairs, in hopes it will help my brain understand what is happening.

He kneels down till his face is level with mine. "Do you remember any time you've hurt yourself or cut yourself and then a few hours later it's as if it never happened?" I rarely hurt myself my parents were safety freaks preaching every second about safety, and if I did I never really gave it much thought.

And then a thought hits me I remember breaking my nose against the front door of my home, I can barely even remember what the appearance of the man was who'd turned my whole life over, I was in such a haze to get away but I failed miserably. I run my finger across the bridge of my nose but feel nothing out of the ordinary.

"How is this all possible?" I ask. He runs a hand through his hair messing it up.

"Breakfast." He points down the hall.

I stand up fast, furious. "No. you keep dodging my questions."

"I answered your question."

"You keep throwing things at me, but not explaining anything you're pissing me off and confusing me even more. I want to know why my parents were killed, what the place I was in really is. I don't even know who you are or even those boys from last night, but you all seem to know me and how I was able to heal so fast." When I finish my rant I'm puffing for air, he reaches out for me and I slap his hand away.

I march past him down the hallway; I open the door at the end of the hall into the kitchen, which is packed with the rest of the boys. A table has been setup packed with tons of food which automatically makes my mouth water and stomach rumble I hadn't realized how hungry I am until now.

"Your parents were killed?" Luke asks from behind me. They all stop what they're doing and glance up at me. I turn around to face him, there is shock written all over his face and I think I see fear there as well. I can't help the feeling dread that runs through me.

"I told you last night." I should have kept my mouth shut and kept my thoughts to myself. I mentally face palm myself, I don't think I'm mentally papered to relive what happened to my parents in front of strangers.

A hand lands on my shoulder, stopping my train of thoughts. I turn to face Jai centimetres from my face; he looks as if someone has punched him in the gut.

"How?" he finally breathes out as if saying those words were painful, and it sends shivers up and down my body.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2016 ⏰

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