Chapter 12

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Here is a quick update because i just hit 1k reads thank you guys.


Vote/Comment for a dedication. Thank you guys again. 


“Norah!” I can hear Luke from down stairs, it takes him a second for him to get to the door.

I try to clamp my hand over my mouth to muffle my screams, but there tied to the bed. I pull on them; I can feel them rubbing my skin raw but I don’t stop, I need to get out of here.

His fumbling with the lock, I can hear his frustrated groans. He slams into the door and the lock comes loose.

His eyes are frantic they search the room, gun held up. Oh god his got a gun. My screams get louder when he points the gun towards me. I close my eyes and try to put my hands up to protect my face, but these darn ropes won’t let me. When he notices my reaction to the gun he puts it in his back pocket.

His at the bed side, untying the rope. When his done untying my feet he sits on the bed and pulls me on to his lap. I don’t object my mind is too occupied.

I didn’t realize before, until now. The boy that has appeared in my dreams twice is the boy whose lap I’m sitting on now. His much younger in my dreams, we both are. The first dream I had it looked like we won’t much older than ten. The second we were in our teens, but why would I dream about him of all people?

That isn’t what terrified me, it isn’t what was disturbing about the dream. It was the man holding the gun. The man that sat across me every dinner, the man that would help me with my homework, the man that I called my father.

It must be the shock finally getting to me; it’s the only explanation I can come up with for dreaming about my dad shooting a younger version of my captor.

We stay like that for a while, him cradling me in his lap rocking me side to side, while my heart slowly comes back to normal, my tears stop and my breathing starts.

I look up at him. He has his eyes closed; this is the most peaceful I’ve seen him; most of the time his face is cold, emotionless and on edge like at any minute he would rip someone’s head off. He looks more like the boy from my dreams now.   

He opens his eyes and looks down at me watching him; I turn away quickly and move off his lap. He sighs quietly but not quite enough for me not to hear.

The cold look is back. “What happened? Did someone come in” he looks around the room even though there is no one besides us here.

“No” I move to the edge of the bed. “J-just nightmares, I didn’t mean to scare you”

He looks at me for a minute, not saying anything. “Nightmares?”

“About what?” I don’t want to tell that he was that he was in my dream.

“uh…nothing important” he doesn’t look like his buying it.

“If it was nothing, why were you screaming?”

“I uh I” I decide to use another approach. “Why does it matter to you? You’re the one that has me locked up in this room, and won’t let me go”

“It matter to me because-” his sentence gets cut short when there is a knock at the front door. He looks towards the door then back at me, then the door and again at me.

He gets up and walks to the door “Don’t move” he says over his shoulder before going to open the door.

I can hear two sets of footsteps coming up the stairs. I man walks in the room he has long blond messy hair that falls to his shoulders, bright blue eyes that remind me too much of Nick’s eyes.

 Luke follows in and stands by the door. When the man’s eyes land on me he lets out a long whistle. “Just as remember her, much beautifier but just as I remember” I feel uncomfortable under his intense gaze, he notices.

“Where’s my manners” he laughs and holds his hand out for me to take “My name is Trevor” when I don’t take it he just smiles.

He turns to Luke. “Dude, I didn’t think you were being serious when you said she can’t remember anything”    

Luke pushes off the wall he was leaning on. “Can you help or not?” Luke asks.

“Depends what method they used to wipe her” he rubs the small stubble on his chin. “But I know a guy that can get her back”

Their talking about me like I’m not in the room. I don’t understand what they mean by me not been able to remember anything, my memory is intact.

“Did you take the tracker out?” Trevor takes a seat on the bed opposite me.

“Shit” Luke mumbles. When I look over at him his eyes have grown in size and his pulling his hair.

Trevor gets up so fast that it leaves him dizzy. “You idiot” he roars at Luke. “I can’t be here” he walks to the door to leave, but Luke steps in his way.

“Take it out of her” Luke growls.

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