Chapter 4

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Luke should come in next chapter vote/commemnt 


We sit in silence for hours until Jamie specks up breaking the silence “So how did they get you” she asks. If I was going to be stuck here for god knows how long might as well get to know the people locked up with me “They took me from home, what is this place anyway?”

“We don’t know” Kate answers. “But if you leave this room you will never return”

I swallowed the lump in my throat. “What do you mean?”

“Well” she points at the girls, then herself, then me. “We’re just experiments” This has to be a joke, I look around hoping to spot a camera and someone to yell out ‘You’ve Been Punked’ but nothing happens I’m still in this dingy basement, if it is a basement. I might still be asleep, probably haven’t even woken up for school.

My nose, I remember breaking it on the door. I reach a trembling hand to my nose sliding it up the bridge of my nose where it meets a little scare. What it can’t have healed that quick. Did I even break it? By the light outside I might only have been out for a few hours. I think.

“This is not funny, what is this place” I snap facing Kate, she seems to be the one with all the knowledge.

“I don’t know” she whispers then faces the ground. I want to yell at her but that would be unfair, my anger isn’t towards her it is to whoever threw me in here and killed parents. Remembering my parent’s death only fuels my anger. I storm off the ground towards the door giving it a powerful kick, the bang echoes around the room. I have my fingers crossed that someone will hear.

I continue kicking the door till my legs get sore, than switch over to my fists. “Open the door!” I yell over and over again till my voice goes all hoarse.

 I give up when I have rubbed my hands raw, slumping down on the mattress. I feel a little bit better but a whole lot worse.

“What’s your name?” Lucy asks she is siting between Jamie’s legs.

“Nora” my voice comes out all croaky from all my yelling.

“I like your name” she smiles. And I smile back. A genuine smile which I didn’t think would happen with everything going on.

After hours of silence I hear Lucy’s deep breathing, I look over to see her asleep in Jamie’s arms, not long followed by Kate and Jamie.

I stare up at the celling, when the first tear slides down my face. The weight of been stuck in here not knowing where or what’s going to happen is starting to weigh me down. I’m going to find a way out of here if it’s the last thing I do. Next on my list is finding my parents killer, if it’s not the man that took me from my house.

When I’m done with all that I’m going to Nick he will say sorry I will forgive him and live happily ever after. It’s always been an on and off thing with Nick, one minute we would hate each other staying away from each other than the next we can’t stay away from each other. But I’m sacred I might never see him again.

I fall asleep to those naïve thoughts running through my head. I know my life will never be the same but I don’t want to believe it.


I’m sitting in the dark cellar alone, no light and barely any air. I’m dehydrated from crying myself dry and starving from being denied food for nearly a week, I don’t know when my end will come but I hope it’s soon.

The electronic door opens and the light blinds me, someone stumbles in then the door closes. My eyes sting from the change of lighting I’ve been use to seeing in the dark.

“Well that’s unfair” someone chuckles then kicks the door making me jump. “You guys need to lighten up a bit”

I don’t think their talking to me so I stay quiet. They take a seat on the ground thankfully across from where I’m sitting.

The silence is the only thing besides our breathing. I put my hand over my mouth quieting my breathing, a bit too late.

“So what’s your name?” they ask. I stay silence hoping they would keep quiet.

They let out a little chuckle. “I’m Luke”


“Nora wake up” someone whispers in my ear. “Mum please five more minutes” I mumbles pushing her away not wanting to leave that weird dream but it felt so real. I was only a little girl in that dream and that boy. Luke he seems so important but I don’t know why.

“Nora you really need to wake up” mum continues but there is something different with her voice. I open my eyes to find someone other than my mother in front of me.

“No” I whisper the realisation of where I am hitting me fast. I stare up at Kate waiting for her to disappear and my familiar bedroom to appear, but it doesn’t happen.

In my moment of panic I don’t realise the alarms going off all around me. Flashing red lights were coming through the window and are visible through the crack between the door and floor.

I walked over to the toilet climbing up. It is absolute chaos outside there are guards running everywhere; the fence is cut open leaving a big gape big enough to fit a car through. There are tire tracks everywhere so maybe that’s what happened. Motionless bodies lay scattered on the ground, but I only see guards so who are the attackers?   

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